Page 54 of Crimson Wrath

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“Anton is not my…” I begin, but stop myself, realizing it doesn’t matter what Hector thinks. And maybe he’s right. But I don’t have the luxury of thinking about that now. Instead, I focus on gathering information. “What do you know of Cartwright?”

“Let’s just say we have…mutual interests.” Hector smirks, circling around me close enough that I can smell the stale sweat on him.


I should have known it from the start.

Of course, this is about Cartwright.

Who else would have me kidnapped?

I suddenly think back to the phone call I got, just over a week ago. It seems like a thousand years. Fear begins to creep up my spine as I put the puzzle pieces together. I was so busy helping Anton fight his demons, that I forgot to deal with my own. And now, they are here to hunt me down.

Cartwright has found me.

And he knows I saw him kill someone.

And now, he’s going to make sure there are no witnesses.

I swallow hard at the thought.

“Is he going to kill me?” I ask Hector, trying to keep my voice steady. He raises an eyebrow, and for a split second, he almost looks impressed by my boldness.

“Depends,” he says curtly.

“Depends on what?”

Leaving my question unanswered, he shrugs, moving closer to me, his eyes raking over my body. Disgust wells up in my throat. “Don’t worry, baby girl. I’ll take good care of you until then.”

“Go to hell,” I spit out, my eyes blazing with defiance. I’ve dealt with far worse than him in the past twenty-four hours. Besides, if Cartwright brought me here, Hector’s not really the one I need to worry about.

He chuckles and leans in close. “Feisty, aren’t you?” he whispers into my ear, his breath hot and unpleasant. “I love a bitch with fire in her eyes.”

His fingers brush against my cheek, and I jerk away from his touch. “Get your fucking hands off me,” I warn, my voice as cold as ice.

“Or what?” Hector challenges, stepping back with a sinister grin. “You’re not exactly in a position to do anything about it, are you baby girl?”

“Anton will find me,” I say, the conviction in my voice unwavering. “And when he does, you’ll wish you’d never crossed him.”

Hector’s chuckle is ugly. “That so? Well, maybe I-”

His words are cut off as the door swings open to reveal a familiar figure.

I feel the air sucked from my lungs as the man locks his eyes with mine. There’s not a shred of mercy in them. He knows what I am to him; nothing but a problem to get rid of. What I know, what I’ve seen, could rock his whole damn world.


This is trouble.

Real fucking trouble.

“Well, well. Look what the cat dragged in.” Victor Cartwright smirks, the cold glint in his eyes sending shivers down my spine. “Just how long did you think you can hide from me?”

“A girl can dream!” I quip, clenching my fists so tightly that my knuckles make popping sounds.

“Such a brave little thing.” Cartwright’s smile grows even more sinister as he steps into the room, the door closing behind him with a resounding thud. The air thickens with tension, and every muscle in my body tenses, anticipating what might come next. I’m tied up here, unable to move, completely exposed to the man’s will. All I can do is try my best to buy some time.

“Tell me, Ms. Jones,” Cartwright moves around me, studying me like a predator sizing up its prey. “How do you suppose I managed to find you?”
