Page 63 of Crimson Wrath

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“Cartwright,” I say with enough menace for him to know exactly what’s coming next. “You almost made it too easy.”

“Stop! I can pay you,” Cartwright says quickly. “I’m a man of means. It’ll be worth your while to cooperate with me.”

“Cooperate?” I tilt my head to the side, cracking the tight vertebra in my neck just a little.

“Yes. Yes. Cooperate…but in a good way.” He’s speaking too fast. “Work with me. You won’t regret it. Name your price. Anything you want.”

He believes money can buy him out of this situation? It’s almost laughable. The man who held my woman captive is thinking he can escape with his life by flashing cash. His underestimation of the Bratva is a fatal mistake.

His underestimation ofme.

“I think that ship has sailed,mudak.” I tell him, then glance over at Luka. “Can you believe this cunt?”

Luka snorts, looking at Cartwright with contempt. His blade is in his hand. I swear that thing is an extension of his arm. I look back at the pathetic piece of shit in front of me. Cartwright’s eyes widen in fear as he takes in the sight of Luka and then back at me. The reality of his situation is finally sinking in. His face has gone pale. It turns completely gray as I prowl toward him.

“Your money means nothing,” I spit at him, my voice cold and clipped. My fingers itch for the cold steel of my gun, but I resist the urge. I hear a soft sound from nearby and glance sideways to where Scarlett is huddled under the jacket. She flashes me a smile, but I can tell her bravery is forced. She needs me.

But first, I need to deal with Cartwright. I stop in front of him, our bodies almost touching. I tower head and shoulders over him and he tilts his head back to look at me.

“The diamond. You can keep it!” His pupils are so dilated with terror it’s hard to tell what color his eyes are. “It’s worth millions.”

I give a low laugh right in his face. “You think I care, little man?”

His throat works as he swallows. “Tell me what you want. I’ll do anything.”

“I want you to die,” I narrow my eyes onto his. “Painfully. How painfully is yet to be seen.” I’m so sick of dealing with fuckers who want to hurt me and those I love.

Those I love…



I shoot a look over at Scarlett, who’s staring at me with eyes like pools of pain.

“You don’t need to do that. Please! I swear…” The man’s voice pitches to the point of sounding like a pig’s high squeal.

“Shut. Up!” Everything he says just makes me more murderous. I snap a hand up and close it around his throat.

The acrid stench of urine makes my nostrils twitch.

Goddammit, he’s pissed himself.

“Anton…” It’s Scarlett again, and suddenly everything inside me softens. She’s moving toward me. Moving toward the animal that put her in this place. I want to stop her from sharing the stinking air he breathes. “Anton, it’s okay.” She holds the jacket closed in front of her to keep herself covered.

“Okay?” I swivel my head to her, still pinning Cartwright to the wall by his throat. What she’s saying isn’t making sense. Nothing will be okay until I’ve wiped this scum off the face of the earth.

“I mean it. I’m fine. Let’s move beyond this.” Her lips flicker up while I try to interpret this. “Let him go, Anton.”



“Because I’m asking you to,” she says gently. “Because if you kill him, the authorities, the cops, the whole damn world is going to come down on your head, and you’ll be running forever. He’s too high profile to just bump off.”

“I’ve already been running. Niko and me…we’ve done it before. I’m fine with it.” I turn back to Cartwright whose lips are quivering. Tears and snot are gleaming on his face.

“It’s time to stop, Anton.” Her voice is still gentle.
