Page 68 of Crimson Wrath

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Our life together.

“Nobody’s life is easy, Anton. Even the families with the picket fences. We all face challenges in one way or another. I want to face them with you.”

His beautiful eyes lift to mine, so damned intense I’m finding it hard to breathe.

“Anton,” I bite my lip as I hold that burning gaze. “I’m not going anywhere.” These admissions are all leaving me a little surprised. A part of me has known it all along, but I’ve never said the words out loud. Never really admitted it to myself that I’m here to stay.

He couldn’t get rid of me if he wanted to.

“What about Mexico?” The corner of his mouth flickers up as he says it.

“I haven’t given up on Mexico.” I smile back at him. “But I would only want to go there with you.”

Something flickers in his expression and I sense the mood growing serious again. “It has been a long time since I allowed myself to believe there could be someone in my future again. Not after…” He takes a breath. “Not after Katya. But you… You changed everything. All of it. And I don’t want to go back to what my life was before. I…I couldn’t live without you,Zayka.”

I blink in surprise, because that’s pretty freaking deep. “You couldn’t?”

“No.” He shakes his head. “When I thought I had lost you…again… I almost went out of my mind.”

“Wouldn’t take much,” I joke because I’m not used to so much intensity.

“I am serious, Scarlett.”

I feel contrite. “I’m serious too. I mean it. I’m not going anywhere,” I say it again because I need him to believe it. To understand the gravity of it. “A part of me always knew. Right from that very first night… I picked you, Anton. My body decided first, when it made this baby for us. And then my heart followed.” I lick my lips, taking a breath before I say the next words, “I love you, Anton Ulianov.”

His body goes still. The breath I’d just taken feels as if it’s lodged in my chest.

“Yes,” he says at last, just when I’m about to suffocate. “Yes, this is right.” He nods solemnly. “It is love, isn’t it? This feeling.”

“I think so.” I touch his chest. “I hope so.”

He presses my hand over his heart. “I know so,Zayka.”

The wave of emotion that suddenly floods over me almost leaves my knees weak.

“You do?” I blink at him and he nods.

“I love you, Scarlett.”

My breath catches. “Holy shit!” I choke out. I feel a laugh bubbling out, and then I realize that I’m tearing up. “Holy shit. Do you know what this means?”

He gives another of those slow solemn nods. “It means you are mine. And I am yours.”

The rush of emotions is almost too much to bear as I look at him through teary eyes. I guess I can’t blame myself for being so damn emotional. Not to mention that my hormones are probably going crazy as well.

“What is it?”

“Do you know how hard I’ve been fighting this?” I shake my head.

“I do. Because you are foolish.”

I laugh again. “Stop it. You can’t tell me you didn’t fight it too.”

“I did,” he agrees. “Because I am foolish too.” He pulls me against the hard lines of his body. “It is why we fit so well together, this foolishness. Among other things.”

“What other things?” I quirk a brow, expecting him to state the obvious – that our bodies were practically made to pleasure each other.

“Your courage, for one. I’ve never met my match until you. And your fire. We burn together.” He holds me more firmly.
