Page 69 of Crimson Wrath

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“Don’t forget my stubbornness.” I wrinkle my nose at him.

“That too.” His smile is uncharacteristically gentle. “You are my equal,Zayka. I didn’t know that could exist between a man and a woman. Not in my world.”

“Not surprising. You’re all a bunch of badass hardheaded motherfluffers. Well, now’ve met your match,” I tease, brushing my lips against his.

“Thank you,” he murmurs against my mouth.

“For being a badass hardheaded motherfluffer?” I ask.

His smile warms my heart. “For giving me a chance to be a father again. I want to do right by you and our baby.”

“I know you will, Anton.” I reach up to cup his face in my hands. “I saw how you went to war for Nikolai. That’s the father I want for my child.”

He’s silent for another moment, digesting this. “I have not always taken care of those I loved.”

“We’ve been over this, Anton. You don’t need to be afraid for me. I can take care of myself.”

“I know you can. But that will never mean I wouldn’t kill for you. Or die for you.”

“Oh God, please don’t die!” I tell him, trying to lighten the mood. “I expect you to be around forever. My big strong Bratva devil.”

“Not anymore.” He looks resolute. “That life is behind me. This is what I want now.” His hand slides down my belly as he looks into my eyes. “There will be no more choices that put my family at risk.”

His eyes soften, and I know he means every word. “I love you,Zayka,” he whispers, pressing his forehead against mine.

“I love you too.” Saying it out loud feels so new, and it feels like a weight has lifted off my chest. The words hang in the air between us, solidifying our bond.

“Come with me,” he says, gently taking my hand as he leads me to his bedroom.

The warm glow of the lamplight envelopes us as we move closer to one another until our bodies are firmly pressed together. The sensation of his touch and the warmth of his skin on mine is the feeling I’ve been secretly craving for what feels like an eternity.

It’s been so damn long!

He takes my face in his hands and gently brushes his lips against mine, murmuring soft words against my mouth. And then, our mouths crush against one another in another one of those toe-curling kisses that he’s so damn good at. By the time it's over, I’m panting.

“I want you naked,” Anton growls as we pull apart. His hands trace the outline of my jaw. His gaze follows his fingers, taking me in like a masterpiece that he’d never seen before. I can feel my skin flush as he takes his time to appreciate me, and I close my eyes when his fingertips trail down my neck, sending waves of shivers through my body.

He slowly moves around me while I stand still and hold my breath, until I’m facing the mirror that dominates the far wall of the room. His eyes are heavy with want as he slides his hands over my shoulders and down the sides of my body. I look at myself in the reflection with him behind me; this man is mentally undressing me with desire in his eyes and it’s driving me to distraction.

Dropping his hands to my waist, he takes the hem of my sweater and raises it till it’s up and over my head. My t-shirt goes next, followed by my pants, until my clothes pool on the floor beside us. With intense concentration, he eases off my underwear until it too is forgotten on the ground. He straightens and looks at me so intently that I want to squirm, but I don’t move. I can’t. It’s as if I’m under his spell.

“Tell me you want me,” he says into my ear as I stand bare before him.

“More than anything,” I breathe, my heart pounding in my chest.

Turning me back to face him, he hungrily crushes his lips against mine, sweeping me off my feet once more. His hands roam over my body and the heat between us intensifies as I fumble with his clothes until he’s as naked as I am.

I take a moment just to take him in. I'm in awe of the pure perfection of his body. His broad shoulders, chiseled chest, and taut abs move smoothly under silken tattooed skin. I can feel his belly tensing beneath my fingertips as I stroke teasingly toward the thick length of his cock while I trace my eyes down his long, lean legs. The muscles there flex as he moves closer to me. His biceps bulge as he wraps his arms around me and pulls me into an embrace that almost crushes the air from my lungs.

“God, you’re so damn beautiful.” I run a hot stare over him. Hard, perfect lines; a study in sheer maleness. I can never get enough of the sight of this mindblowingly gorgeous man. “And you’re all mine.”

“I think that’s my line.” He strokes his fingers down the slope of my breast. As he reaches the tip, my nipple is hard and tingling. When he dips his head to take it into his mouth, the world outside fades away until there’s only him and me.

“God…Anton,” I groan low in my throat as he nudges me gently back until the bed bumps up against the back of my knees.

I groan deeper as his mouth moves over me. His tongue slides and swirls around my nipple, sending more sparks of pleasure through me. I arch my back, threading my fingers into his hair and clasping his head more firmly against me as his lips move from one nipple to the other, hot and warm. A zing of need runs through me, leaving me slick and needy, even though he hasn’t even reached between my splayed thighs yet. His hands grasp my hips firmly as he pulls me closer to him, and I can feel his hardness pressed against my thigh.

“Ty krasivyy,” he says the words reverentially and though I don’t know what they mean, I know they’re magical.
