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As I stood there, paralyzed by doubt, I couldn't help but wonder if the memories I had lost were worth the risk. What if I uncovered something that I didn't want to remember? But at the same time, the curiosity was overwhelming. I had to know what had happened, and why I had lost those memories in the first place. There was a constant reminder that time was running out.

Four days.

I had four days before the ball.




The moment I stepped into the room, my eyes widened in awe and my breath caught in my throat. The opulence of the space was overwhelming, almost too much to take in at once. Crystal candelabras adorned the walls, while an enormous chandelier hung from the ceiling, casting a sparkling glow over everything below. The polished floor reflected the flickering flames of the candles, adding to the glittering effect. This was no ordinary room; it was a grand ballroom, decked out in shades of ivory and gold, shimmering in the light.

The lively chatter of the guests filled the air, as they mingled about in their finest attire. Champagne flowed freely and the guests greeted each other with familiar warmth and joy. The conversations buzzed with talk of trades, business, and upcoming events, as I made my way through the crowd. It was a place of excitement and anticipation, with the promise of future dances and festivities adding to the already palpable energy in the air. And while I could feel the excitement and merriment around me, it left me drained.

Four days had not been long enough.

They had come and gone quicker than I had time to comprehend. The feeling of it all had left me anxious. Especially after my last encounter with Kaston. It brought me little piece of mind. Avoiding him was going to wear on me, it had worn on me so much already. Each trip into town was plethora with worry and anxiety, so much dread had hung over me that I’d encounter him again. I knew I couldn't keep avoiding him forever.

His sudden reappearance in my life had thrown everything into disarray and it had stirred up old emotions that I had tried so hard to bury. But this morning when I awoke and saw the box sitting there with my name on the envelope I knew I had no other choice. I’d resigned myself to wearing the dress he had left for me- my brown linen skirt and bodice simply would not suffice in a crowd as elegant as this one.

My gaze swept over the people before me as I stood there in the ballroom. The guests that Lady Conwell invited were dressed in a dazzling array of outfits- every color, style, and fabric imaginable. There were lace gowns and satin suits, gilded masks and silk flowers adorning hair and lapels. The air was thick with the fragrance of expensive perfumes and the sound of chatter and laughter.

I felt a pang of self-consciousness, wondering if I had made a mistake in coming here.

As I wove my way through the crowd, I couldn't help but feel a twinge of envy at the effortless grace with which some of the other women moved. They seemed to glide through the room with practiced ease, their skirts rustling gently as they passed. In contrast, I felt clumsy and out of place, my own dress feeling stiff and unfamiliar. But I forced the thought aside, determined not to let my insecurities show.

I caught a glimpses of myself in one of the gilded mirrors that adorned the walls. My own mask, a work of art in itself- covered half of my face, leaving only my lips visible to those around me. The jewels that encrusted it sparkled in the light, drawing attention to my eyes. My dress flowed behind me as I walked, the soft blue satin swishing with each step. The silk chiffon organza added a delicate touch to the outfit, making me feel elegant and refined. It was the most beautiful gown I had ever worn.

My hair, which I had left down, was being swept away by the light breeze that drifted through the ballroom. I had given up trying to style it and let it fall in its natural straight locks. It added a touch of simplicity to my otherwise elegant outfit.

The dress Kaston had given me was a stunning piece of art, carefully crafted to leave a lasting impression. The neckline was low but still managed to maintain a modest air, thanks to the cowl of the dress that rested atop my breasts. The material was a soft, silky fabric that draped beautifully, and the cut of the dress was expertly designed to accentuate my curves.

As I turned to see the back of the dress, I gasped. It dipped low, far lower than I had ever felt comfortable wearing before. The sheer gossamer sleeves added a delicate touch to the dress, the detail that left me in awe. The sleeves were constructed in a bishop style that buttoned at the wrist in a cuff, adding a classic elegance.

The dress was beautiful, designed to make me feel ravishing and confident, but I couldn't shake the feeling that it was too revealing. I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease at the way the dress hugged my hips and chest, putting them on full display for all those in attendance. The fabric was soft and silky, and it felt like a second skin against my body. I tried to maintain my composure, but the feeling of being watched and judged lingered, making me feel uncomfortable and out of place. Judged by every person in the room.

But Lady Conwell truly had outdone herself.

The ball was a feast for the senses. A coach had arrived just after dusk to pick me up, pulled by large draft horses. It was not the same one Imogen had climbed into. The one that the guards said was smashed to pieces. This one was far more ornate, with mother-of-pearl inlay and black lacquered sides. The interior was lush and covered in rich purple velvets. It traveled down the streets, making its way to the Manor and the party inside, jostling me about slightly. The clop of the horses’ hooves hitting the cobblestone steadied my nerves, the rhythmic,clop, clop, clopdrowned out the thoughts in my head. But only for a moment.

Lady Conwell had extended an invitation to me, but she had not given me any specific instructions about what to do, if I were to meet anyone. As the carriage pulled up to the house- behind the line that was coming and going- I felt uneasy as my eyes scanned the large imposing Manor. My footsteps on the stone steps leading up to the large mahogany doors were drowned out by my own pulsing veins. My heart thundered in my chest as I looked up at the goblin knocker, felt as though it was staring back at me as I stepped into the foyer.

In spite of it tall, between the fear and the anxiety I had felt an inexplicable pull to attend. The feeling tugged at my gut, urging me to be here, and I could not resist my curiosity. So here I was, standing in the grand ballroom of the family manor of a man I had once loved, despite his unfathomable treatment of me during his last visit to my home.

As I weaved my way through the crowd, my gaze caught a glimpse of a table adorned with various refreshments. Trays of delectable-looking food were stacked high, while waiters bustled about, offering guests glasses of champagne. Plates of cakes, sweet desserts, breads, and cheeses were carried past me, their aromas lingered in my nose. My stomach growled, reminding me that I should have eaten before coming. But my mind had been preoccupied with worries, causing me to forget.

Lost in my own thoughts, I hadn't noticed the young man with auburn hair standing at the table with his back to me. My heart skipped a beat, and my stomach churned at the memory of the man I had once loved and the events of the past few days. However, as he turned around, I noticed that his face was more mature than Kaston's, and a wave of relief washed over me.

Like so many others in attendance, he too wore a mask and it was a striking sight to behold. Crafted from dark metal, it was adorned with intricate scrollwork and studded with emeralds and pearls that caught the light in a mesmerizing display. As I looked closer, I noticed that his jawline was more defined than Kaston’s. And from what I could see of his eyes behind the mask's mischievous expression, they were the same color that had once enchanted me.

The man's outfit was just as impressive as his mask. He wore a silver jacket and white trousers that made his dark mask and hair stand out even more. But it was the embroidery on his vest that truly caught my attention. A network of delicate scrolls, vines, and flowers in rich shades of purple, blue, and pink, brought the entire ensemble to life.

“Hello.” His voice was soft and welcoming, causing me to jump.I hadn’t expected him to address me or speak to me at all. The beating of my heart was deafening in my ears as I looked to see him watching me intently. His eyes were fixed on my face before dipping down to my chest as we stood there.

“Hello,” I managed to reply, my voice barely above a whisper.

“She really has out done herself this time, has she not?” He asked.
