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I placed the remaining nuts in a neat pile and turned to thank him for his help, but he had already vanished without a trace. As I looked up, the sky was awash with brilliant shades of amber, gold, and red. Painting a stunning canvas against the once bright blue sky. The white, billowing clouds reflected hues of pink and violet as the sun began to set.

Realizing that I needed to find a place to sleep soon, I scanned my surroundings, aware of the potential danger lurking in the night. Hoping to find a sheltered alcove beyond the cave entrance, I knew it was best not to take any chances with any creatures that might roam around after dark.

The sudden chill in the air made me shiver as the wind picked up and blew through my hair. I was grateful for the skills Nona had taught me, including how to build a fire to keep warm on chilly nights like this. As I looked for dried kindle and sticks, I reflected on how crucial it was for my survival to have acquired these skills through my schooling. Finally, with enough materials to keep me warm, I turned towards the cave entrance. Ready to seek refuge for the night.

With each step, the echoes of my footsteps bounced off the cave walls as I made my way into the depths of the cave. The darkness enveloped me, and I paused to let my eyes adjust to the dim light. The drip of water from the cave ceiling mixed with the sound of my footsteps, making it clear that it was much colder inside the cave than outside. However, I knew that staying outside was not an option.

As I ventured further in the darkness seemed to deepen and the musty, damp smell of the cave wasn't entirely welcoming. Anything could be lurking in the shadows and I wouldn't know until it was too late. But I continued down the long passageway anyway. Despite the heavy and stale air that surrounded me. The farther I went, the more I questioned my decision to enter.

What if I got lost?

What if I stumbled upon a creature that would end my life and leave only my bones behind? My heart raced as I imagined the unknown beast tearing into my flesh with its teeth and claws.

“Oh Serra, you do have a vivid imagination, don’t you?” I said to myself the words echoing off the stone walls, mingling with the sound of the water that dripped.It was the same sentence Nona had said to me once as a little girl. After one of my many playtime games and adventures. Sadness grasped ahold of my heart as tears sprung to my eyes. I missed her so much, so many things in my life recently had changed. So many things that did not entirely make any sense to me. But the loss of her, Kaston’s threats and pursuing attraction, Caine’s attention, the Goblin King, and his game.

All of it was so much.

My legs shook uncontrollably as I leaned against the rough stone wall for support. The weight of my entire existence felt like an unbearable burden, crushing down on me with unrelenting force. It was as if the entire world was against me, and I was alone in this struggle. The materials I had been clutching slipped from my trembling hands, clattering to the ground as I collapsed onto the cold, damp stone.

Tears streamed down my cheeks, mixing with the water that had gathered on the ground. I had fought so hard to keep it all together, to keep my composure, but now it felt like all the walls I had built around myself had crumbled down. The realization dawned on me that it was not my own doing that had caused this pain. He had done something to me, something that had shattered my spirit and broken me down to my very core.

His words replayed in my head.

I only did what you asked of me.

What had I asked of him? What did I ask him to do, what had changed to find myself here? Question after question formed in my head as I cried. The release I needed from everything in the last weeks. Slowly my sobs eased as I was able to piece myself back together. I had to finish this, so I could go home. When I was finally ready I gathered the sticks, the dried brush and piled them together in a formation to start a fire.

Searching the ground around me for a pair of rocks that could start a spark, my tears rolled off my chin. When my fingers found a pare I struck them together and failed. A couple more frustrated strikes and nothing. A growl ripped itself from my lips as I tried again and failed. Taking a deep breath I tried one more time, this time the sparks flew to the bundle at my feet. Setting the rocks to the side a wave of relief went through me. Carefully picking up the dried bundle in my hands and slowly blowing across the embers to ignite it, the small flame danced along as I set it under the tower. Willing it to light the branches. It would have to do in the dampness of this cave.

* * *

Isat there in silence for a while as the flicker of the flames caused my eyes to become heavy. Exhaustion had finally caught up with me and took over. My eyelids drooped as sleep called me. My consciousness slipped away as I fell down into a slumber. The sound of crickets and night owls echoed off the cave walls. The lull of their call grounding me, visions of rainbows and blooming flower groves welcomed me with open arms. The smell of fresh honey and morning dew hung in the air, invigorating my senses. Rain and sun, the world before me flickered in and out, ever-changing as I dreamt. But through it all, a lingering feeling that I was not alone in this world.

That I was being watched.

I jolted awake, gasping for breath. My surroundings were familiar; the room, the bed, the house- all mine, back in Rothnia. It took a moment for me to realize that it had all been a dream. I let out a deep sigh of relief and sank back into my soft pillows. But as I looked around, I couldn't shake off this unsettling feeling. Something was not right, even though everything appeared to be in its place.

An ache bloomed in my chest, my heart longed for someone, pulled at me. I sat back up, my eyes scanning the room for what it was I searched for, what it was I was missing. In the shadows at the foot of my bed stood the Goblin King. His mismatched eyes glinted in the darkness as he watched me, a sly smile playing at his lips. Had he been there the whole time, silently observing me as I slept? My stomach twisted with unease, but at the same time, a fluttering sensation bloomed within me.

Without a second thought, I reached out to him, pulling him towards me. His lips met mine, his hands gripping my waist tightly. It was electrifying, a mixture of fear and desire coursed through me as our bodies pressed together. My own fingers found themselves wrapped in his hair, tangling in the soft strands. Our kiss deepened as he lay me back down atop my sheets- positioning himself above me.

My fingers trembled slightly as they reached for the buttons of his shirt, unfastening them one by one, feeling the warmth of his skin beneath my touch. His muscles rippled as he moved to allow me to slip the shirt off his shoulders, exposing his muscled chest. My hands traced their way down his arms, marveling at their strength and power. He broke our kiss and pulled the shirt off, discarding it on the floor with a thud. Our lips found each other again, hunger and desire fueling our passion.

A soft demand for more as he traced a line of kisses along my jaw and found the sweet spot behind my ear. Long tender kisses down the column of my neck caused my toes to curl. The gasp that came from me had my body arching off the bed as he nipped and sucked- placing an affectionate kiss to the hurt there. His hand grazed my side as it pulled at the lacing of my bodice. His fingers were quick and fluid as the bodice came loose, releasing the tightness around my breasts. Palming one gently, his thumb caressing as it peaked.

I craved his taste, he was intoxicating.

My hunger for him intensified, a fire ignited within me as his lips touched mine. I craved more, my hands gripping his face to pull him closer, deepening the kiss. His tongue brushed against my bottom lip, asking for permission which I eagerly granted. But my desire was not sated without hesitation, my hands moved to his trousers, unbuttoning and pulling at them with a fierce urgency. I wanted to feel all of him, to be consumed by him. I flipped him over effortlessly, straddling him as I continued to undress him. My hands explored his body, tracing every muscle and curve.

Nothing would satisfy me until I had all of him.

His eyes watched me, full of desire and curiosity.

A smirk formed on his lips as I pulled him free. Grasping him in my hand, stroking him gently. I watched as his eyes rolled back- a gasping breath escaped from between his teeth. My name on his lips, uttered softly as I worked him slowly.My core heated as I watched the Goblin King come undone under me, my hand squeezing him as he growled- the sound shattering and unadulterated. Reaching for me, pulling me back to him as he places a kiss upon my lips.

Demanding and fervently.

In a matter of seconds, his hand was on my hip, flipping me onto my back on the bed. The sheets bunched beneath me as his gaze locked onto mine. My body hummed with a need for more, for something deeper than just his touch and taste. The heat between my legs throbbed with desire, begging for his attention. I arched my back, silently urging him to take me, to give me what I craved.
