Page 133 of The Bone Hacker

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“How did you get upstairs without a key?”

“I’m a cop.”

I let Monck in. Pointedly offered no coffee.

We took the same plastic chairs out on the terrace.

“You found something?” I asked.

“A shit ton.”

“Enough for a warrant?”

“I’ve got a guy working that.”

“How long will it take?”

“Do you want to hear this?”

I leaned back and assumed my listening face.

“First, more backstory.”

“Is it relevant?”

“Could be.”

I said nothing.

“Avner Binjamin only allowed Yosef to attend college locally.” Monck glanced at his notes. “New York City College of Technology. In Brooklyn. The kid—I’ll stick with Joe—earned a degree in computer systems and technology.”

“He said he’s into cyber tech. Web design.”

“Which explains the big-ass WiFi booster on his roof.”

“This info comes from Shlomo?”

“The old coot and I are now best buds.”

I couldn’t help rolling my eyes.

“Like big brother, Joe made his obligatory youth pilgrimage to Israel. He was older, already out of school. Apparently, it took years to persuade the old man to grant permission.”

“Given that things went so well there for Yaakov.”

“After bouncing around a bit, Joe ended up at an agricultural cooperative outside Tel Aviv. A place called Bnai Zion. At a chicken farm.”

“A chicken farm.”

“A chicken coop, actually. With its own colorful saga.”

I offered no snarky quip.

“Around 2010, the building’s owner apparently ditched raising poultry, renovated, and began renting to technology start-ups looking for cheap space.”

“Joe worked for one of those start-ups,” I guessed.

“He did.”
