Page 99 of The Bone Hacker

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It was as though a switch had been thrown.

Rain began falling in torrents, overpowering the wipers, and blurring my view of the road. In a heartbeat, the world beyond my headlights ceased to exist. I slowed to a crawl and peered intently through the windshield, wary of driving off the road.

Ten minutes, later Camilla spoke again.

In one thous— feet, —rn right.

Damn. I was losing signal.

Death-gripping the wheel, I turned.

Outside my little bubble, the delugethrummedand the windwhoshedthe palms. Now and then a runaway frond cartwheeled across my headlights or careened full force into the glass.

Inside, the air smelled of water sucked from the ocean. Of salt and seaweed and fish eggs and shrimp.

In one thou—nd —eet, turn —eft.


I wanted to glance sideways at my phone. To check the map. To see where I was. Too risky.

Turn left.

Craning forward, heart thumping, I did as directed, eyes glued to the murky fan of windshield briefly cleared by the overwhelmed wipers.

—urn left.

I turned again. Felt the engine grind into a lower gear.

The Honda was now struggling up a long, steep grade. I didn’t recall the ascent from my previous trips.

Something wasn’t right.

Lightning sparked again.

In the flash I could see that I was on a one-lane track, muddy now and growing muddier by the second. Ditches brimmed with water along both edges. Beyond the ditches, a vast dark emptiness.

—ontinue for an—ther quarter —ile.

I did.

In —ifty feet, —urn left.

I slowed.

Turn —eft.

No!A lone cell in my hindbrain screamed.

I slammed on the brakes.

Nerves pulsing with adrenaline, I sat frozen, drops hammering the Honda’s hood and roof and sluicing through the twin beams gamely trying their best.

My ragged breathing sounded loud in the car.

Where was I?

