Page 7 of Alpha Daddy

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"Whiskey on the rocks," she says with a straighter face than most men who order the same thing.

Damn.She's definitely had a bad day.

If she's looking for something strong, something to drown out the pain of whatever she’s facing, even that's not going to cut it.

"You got some ID?" For all I know, this young woman could be an undercover cop sent in by the Department of Health to see if we’re giving drinks to underage kids.

Can't go losing my liquor license over some doe eyes and a tight ass.

She pulls out the ID and slides it to me, and my eyes immediately dart to the birth year.

"You're 23," I voice, handing the piece of plastic back. Not so close to illegal that it makes me want to turn and run away with my tail between my legs, but a seventeen-year age gap is enough to make even this old man blush.

"Yeah, I know. Everyone says I look younger." She rolls her eyes and throws the ID back in her purse.

"I was actually going to say you look older,” I assure her, even though it might just be my wishful thinking. It's a stupid thought that I need to put to rest, regardless of how my blood races through my veins being this close to her.

She’s off limits, to myself and everyone else in this restaurant, because if I can’t have her, none of these unworthy fucks can either. I’ll make sure of that.

What the hell is wrong with me?

I don't look back up as I start to make her drink, ignoring her request and making her something off our secret menu instead. I scold myself for not checking her name before handing her the ID back. I was too concerned with retaining my liquor license and making sure flirting with her won’t end up with me in handcuffs to notice.

It's probably for the best, though.

Knowing names forms connections, and this is not a connection I need or want. At least, I don't need it.The want is driving me insane.

When I push the drink across the counter to her, she raises an eyebrow at it and then at me.

"You must be new," she says without malice in her voice. "This isn't a whiskey on the rocks."

"I'm aware." I set my palms on the counter and lean forward, dropping my voice. "You wanted strong. That’s called a Charming Alpha. Two of these will put you on your ass."

She holds my eyes with hers while she leans to take the straw in her mouth, sucking long and slow on it, and fuck if I don't imagine her doing the same thing to me.

My cock twitches in my slacks as I watch her sip on the drink, and I know for a fact that it's much, much better I don't know her name.

It must be because I haven’t gotten laid in a while. How long’s it been now? Five, six months?

Too long.

"What do you think?" I ask, forcing my gaze away from her pouty lips up to her baby blue eyes.

"It's okay,” she says with a shrug that has me smirking against my will.

Babydoll has spunk, I’ll give her that.

“Well, finish that, and if you still want your whiskey, I'll give it to you."

"Thanks," she mumbles, then turns her attention to her phone.

I take it as my opportunity to walk away and attend to the rest of the customers sitting at the bar, who’ve grown a little restless over the past few minutes. I fill their glasses, take their dirty dishes, and offer idle conversation, all while my eyes keep finding their way back to the young woman.



Off limits.
