Page 70 of Alpha Daddy

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They don’t appear too hasty to find me, though, because they could have waited for me to show up. They could have staked out in the shadows until I returned and grabbed me, dragged me into the backseat of Caleb’s pickup truck and forced me back into the pack house.

Who knows what they would do to me afterward.

After all, I’m the omega who destroyed their pack bond. When I broke the mate bond, it shattered all their connections. I don’t know how difficult it is to retether pack bonds, or if it's even possible. It’s too rare to know.

There’s a possibility I ruined everything for them, and now, they want their revenge. That, or they haven’t been able to find another omega to claim and they're desperate to get me back. Who else is going to do their laundry and clean and cook and fuck them to their hearts’ content?

As I check the rearview mirror, I don’t see anyone tailing me, no suspicious cars sticking out from the few rolling casually through the downtown streets. Still, that doesn’t keep me from winding through the roads, backtracking, and going in circles for twenty solid minutes, just in case.

My mind is still short-circuiting, and I don’t know what to think.

What am I supposed to do?

Where am I supposed to go?

Instinct says to leave, to flee the city and drive until I run out of gas somewhere far away. I have enough gas money to skip town and make it well across state lines. That’s no problem.

But then I’d have to start all over again and find another job. Who’s to say I would be able to keep this charade of posing as a beta up somewhere else? New doctors, new pharmacies, new policies, new laws. How could I navigate a place I’ve never been before?

Still, the thought of staying and offering myself up as bait to the Sorenson pack doesn’t bode well either. They’re after me–though their motives aren’t clear–and I know they won’t stop until they find me. They’re persistent that way, ruthless, cunning.

They can all suck a big bag of dicks.

I’m confused, lost, afraid. As if I needed another thing to worry about, my exes are determined to ruin the tiny bit of peace I’ve been able to find.

“Fuck,” I say, turning right onto an unmarked street and speeding past several buildings before hanging a left. “Fuck! FUCK!”

I’m screaming, tears threatening to escape my eyes. My hands are trembling, my heart galloping at a dangerous pace.

I don’t know what to do, and I have no one to call for help.

I might have told Sara tiny pieces of my truth, but I’m not willing to dump all these secrets on her randomly in the middle of the night. I don’t have any of the cooks’ numbers. Then there’s…


How the fuck could I possibly go to him after everything? How shitty would it be to only talk to him when I need something?

But that’s the thing… I really, really need him right now. If there’s anyone I can count on in this city, it’s him.

I slam to a stop as a light quickly changes to red and bury my face in my hands, trying to calm the anxiety swallowing me. The decision, however nerve-wracking, is clear.

As adamantly as I’ve tried to avoid him over the last few weeks, sleeping in the car and showering at the truck stop like I had before, all bets are off now. Nothing else matters to me at this moment, except finding somewhere I can hide from the pack who made my life hell.

They can’t find me again.I won’t go back.

If Alessandro rejects me, I’ll have to figure out something else, but I have to try. Being under the protection of an alpha might just be what saves my life.

After a few more minutes of driving around downtown, making sure no one could have possibly followed me, I drive toward Alessandro’s house, silently pleading that he understands, that he knows what to do.

Because if he doesn’t, I know I won’t be able to outrun my old pack much longer.



I’m crawling into bed when a frantic knock downstairs makes me snap to attention, my senses on high alert. This is an unholy hour for visitors, so something must be wrong. Maybe one of the neighbors is having an emergency, or maybe it’s something else.

Pulling a T-shirt back on, I speed walk down the hallway and make my way downstairs, the frantic knocking at the door picking up its pace.
