Page 4 of Hidden Trial

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“I’ll call you back,” the guy said as he shut the door. He exchanged his phone for a gun as he wrenched his head to the side to crack it while watching Will advance.

He was well-muscled and wearing a shirt that was a size too small.

“Evening, fellas,” Will said. “Nice place you’ve got here.”

Muscles lifted his gun in response. “This is a restricted area.”

“Oh, yeah. I know. Billy told me.”


“Yeah.” He continued forward but had slowed his pace because of the gun that was now pointed at his chest. He hadn’t worn a vest. It would have tipped them off too quickly, and every second counted. “He told you I was coming, didn’t he?”


“Call him if you want. He insisted I look over the merchandise.”

“Yo, Campbell,” Muscles said to one of the men behind him. They’d stayed well back with their hands on their weapons, but they hadn’t pulled them yet. “Call Billy, will ya? See what he has to say about this guy.”

“So.” Will looked around and held his hands out as though feeling the damp air. “Nice evening. Minus the rain.”

“What’d you say your name was?” Campbell called to him.

“I didn’t. It’s Will.” He got ready to dive behind the Camaro.

When Campbell straightened and went for his gun, Will made his move, pulling his own weapon as he disappeared from their view.

Shots were fired, and Will scrambled around the side of the car, lifting his arm to shoot toward the men. Judging by the yell, he’d hit one. “Sorry about that,” he called out. “Lucky shot. I didn’t think that would hit anyone.”

Pushing up from the ground to get a view over the car, he drew more fire, but not before he identified where the other two men had sheltered. Campbell was the one on the ground, clutching his thigh.

Will drew a mental picture of where Muscles was before he quickly raised himself again and fired, dropping immediately back to safety. He heard no sound indicating a hit, but Will was confident he’d been successful.

“Wait,” came a yell. “Don’t shoot.”

Will ducked to gain a line of sight under the car and saw the third man had come out from his hiding place.

“If you let me go,” the man said, “you can have whatever the cargo is. Take it all. I don’t care. I won’t tell. I swear. Just don’t shoot me.”

“That’s very generous of you.” Will stood cautiously, making note of Muscle’s dead body and Campbell, who was too focused on his pain to be any trouble. “Show me your hands.”

The man obeyed.

“Stay there for a second,” Will said, walking over to Campbell and retrieving his gun that lay abandoned a couple of feet away. Then he pulled out cuffs.

“Here.” He tossed them to the man who’d surrendered. They hit his chest and dropped to the ground.

Will tsked. “Seriously?”

“I don’t want you to shoot me.”

“You think catching the cuffs will make me shoot you?”

“I—I don’t know. You told me to show you my hands.”

“I wonder sometimes where they find you guys. I won’t shoot you. Take the cuffs and secure Campbell and yourself to the car.”

The guy did as instructed, helping Campbell to sit at the side of the car.
