Page 50 of Hidden Trial

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“Stop being so melodramatic. It doesn’t suit you.”

Will dropped her hand and leaned back, crossing his arms. “You’ve got no heart.”

“Nope. My sister took it all. Stole it from me in the womb.”

“That’s not funny.”

“I blame the drugs.”

“You can only use that excuse for so long.”

“But it’s a good one, isn’t it?”

“Too good. So what do we do next?”

“You’re asking the drugged-up patient?”

“It’s better than talking to myself. Turner and the team will keep digging. Maybe they’ll find something new. In the meantime, Charlotte and I will keep moving forward and see how things with Antonio go. If we can get through this meeting with him, then we can focus more on you.”

“What’s in store for you and Charlotte today?”

“I’m taking her out to dinner.”

“Dinner? Ooh. Sounds romantic. Somewhere nice?”

“Yup. I want to see how she does pretending she’s you when in public.”

“Oh, she’s good. Trust me. I know.”

“Not you as in Maddy. You as in Maddison.”

“She’ll be brilliant.”

“She needs to be. Antonio’s not stupid.”

“She will be. You’ll see.”

* * *

A knock at the door woke Charlotte. Her head jerked up from its awkward position. She had been sitting on the floor and fell asleep with her head against the couch. The quick movement sent a shock of pain up her neck.

She whimpered more out of frustration than actual pain and looked around at the papers she’d been studying, then up at the window. It was dark outside.

“What time is it?” She reached for her phone on the table as her stomach grumbled in response to the lunch and dinner she’d missed.

Will had worked her hard that morning at the gym before he disappeared without telling her where he was going, but not before he mentioned there would be a pop quiz later in the day. She’d rushed up to her room and had been poring over the reports.

The last thing she remembered was closing her eyes for a couple of minutes. That had been three hours ago.

The knock came again, and she pushed off the floor, checking through the peephole even though she knew who it would be.

Will was smiling about something. He had a small dimple on his right cheek that she couldn’t see through the distortion of the glass, but she knew it was there.

She stepped back from the door and scrunched her face up. Maddy would be handling this all perfectly, whereas Charlotte felt foolish trying to pull off an undercover operation while being calm and collected around a man she refused to admit she was attracted to. She was a grown woman and still felt like a little girl around him.

At first, it had been easy to dismiss her interest as nothing more than physical appeal. But the more time they spent together, the more she looked forward to seeing him, to the point where she had been disappointed when he’d taken off after their gym session. And now, here she was, noticing a dimple she couldn’t even see.

She rubbed a hand on her stomach to silence the butterflies fluttering around in there, then opened the door.
