Page 55 of Hidden Trial

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“Mineral water for both of us, please,” Will said, picking up his menu.

Charlotte peeked at him over the top of hers and waited until they were alone again before she spoke. “If it is at all possible, I would prefer I not have to stand up again any time soon. I may have walked in here okay, but my feet would strangle me if they could.”

“That’s very dramatic.”

“Maddison is a dramatic sort of woman.”

“Does that mean we’re in for a long dinner?”

“Yes. I will eat very slowly tonight.”

“Fair enough.”

She went back to inspecting her menu. “There are no prices.”

“In a place like this, if you need to know how much things cost, you can’t afford to eat here.”

“Then it’s a good thing I’m not picking up the bill. Should I order a salad?”

“Order whatever looks good.”

He found the steak he wanted, then watched her, waiting for her to choose. Her facial expression changed a dozen times.

“Need help?”

“I don’t know what half this stuff is.” She laid the menu on the table. “So, yeah, as my personal assistant, could you order for me? Do you have a name, by the way? What do I call you when we’re undercover? PA sounds weird.”

“Will. It’s the same as with Maddison. It’s easier to keep as much truth as you can on these jobs. Less to remember.”

“That’s right. You said that before.” He noticed her mouth as her lips puckered in thought. “Why not William? It’s more sophisticated.”

“No. I’m not a fan of my full name.”

“Is that so?” She leaned forward, resting her elbows on the table.

“Don’t even think about it.”

“Don’t worry. I’ll tuck that little morsel away for later.”

He gave her a dark look, then dropped his eyes to the menu, not giving her the satisfaction of a smile. “Do you like duck? The duck here is good.”

“Is it like chicken? I mean—” She straightened. “Duck is delicious. I eat it all the time because I am amazing and duck is amazing. So yes, I’ll have the duck.”

He laughed. “I shouldn’t laugh.”

“Why not?”

“Because it will encourage your behavior.”

She flicked her hair off her shoulder. “I don’t know what you could possibly mean by that. If you’re not careful, I’ll fire you. I keep you around because you’re nice to look at, but that is all. You are walking a very fine line, sir.”

“I’m nice to look at?”

“Why else would I put up with your insolence?”

He was enjoying this. She appeared to be as well. “My apologies. I’ll be more vigilant in the future so as not to offend you, your highness.”

“See that you do.”
