Page 65 of Stepbrother Dearest

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I sighed and put my phone on the couch next to me.

At least my brother was happy. My life might be in the shitter, but Eli’s was finally coming together. Everything he’d worked so hard for was happening. I was beyond proud of him.

He deserved the world, and as much as I hated to admit it, West was good for him.

Seven years ago, West had fucked my life up and I’d never recovered. That was after he’d spent years making my life miserable and confusing the fuck out of my dick.

But he wasn’t that kid anymore. He treated my brother like gold and was the most perfect, attentive boyfriend anyone could ask for. He’d spent the last few weeks winning over our parents and little siblings, and I’d spent the time pretending like I was totally cool with him being my de facto brother-in-law and trying to let go of a past that I hadn’t shaken myself from yet.

Ding dong.

“The hell?” I swiped up my phone and opened the security app. A familiar man stood on my doorstep.

Shaking off my shock, I turned on the speaker. “One second.”

Stone nodded and shoved his hands into his pockets.

Why the fuck was the club’s headline dancer at my door on a Friday evening? And how did he know where I lived?

“Hey.” He upnodded me.


“Biggs told me where you live.”

“Oh. Okay.”

“I heard about what happened a few weeks ago.” He looked nervous, which was weird because Stone always radiated confidence. “How are you feeling?”

“Good.” I cleared my throat, feeling like a jackass for all the times I’d snubbed him at work because I’d thought he was constantly leaving us high and dry. “Pretty much healed up.”

“Good.” He scuffed the toe of his shoe against the deck. “That’s good.”

“Did you want to come in?” I asked awkwardly.

“I can’t. I just came by to give you this.” He held out an envelope.

“What is it?” I stared at it.

“Your cut of what I’d usually pay the house for my appearance.”

“I’m sorry?”

“I found out about all the shady shit going on when Biggs talked to me about headlining when the club reopens.”

“I’m still not following.” I looked between his face and the envelope he still held out.

He wiggled the envelope. “I pay a percentage of what I make to the house when I headline to offset the lack of tips you guys get. Corey and Ray were supposed to be distributing it to you guys, but Biggs told me they’ve been stealing that too.”

I blinked at him.

“Anyway. I found all this shit out before I paid them for the last show. It’s not right he stiffed you guys like that. I wanted to make sure you got what you were owed.”

I slowly took the envelope from him. “You’re paying our severances.”

He flushed. “Biggs might have mentioned that the club would be closed for a while and he was worried about you guys.”

