Page 20 of A Childhood Crush

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“I’ll avoid alcohol,” I said. “I don’t want to make things weird. We are friends. We’ve been to several weddings together. And holiday dinners and countless parties. It’s not a big deal.”

“Okay,” she said. “If that’s what you say.”

“It is,” I nodded. “Did the moving truck show up?”

She pulled out her phone. “Actually, they are supposed to be here in an hour. I should get home. I don’t want them to say I wasn’t home, and they couldn’t deliver my stuff.”

“Do you want me to come over and help you unpack?” I offered.

“You have to work.” She grinned. “I will have you over once I know I actually have stuff to unpack. I plan on getting a bottle of wine, drinking, and maybe crying a little bit as I sort through my stuff.”

“A good cry is always a healthy thing.” I smiled sadly. “I think I’m due for a good cry.”

“It really is a huge stress reliever,” she said. “Good luck with work.”

After she left, I sat down in front of my laptop and got to work. Now, I had an incentive to bust my ass and get something done. I hoped Caroline didn’t have expensive taste.



Istood in front of my closet, staring at my clothes. It was Friday night, and I was getting ready to go out with Leo and Sean. Leo wanted to have a guys’ night out with all of us before the big day, and apparently, Sean was ready for a night away from his twins. We were meeting at the club where we always hung out. I picked out a black button-up shirt and a pair of jeans, trying to find the right balance between casual and dressy.

As I got dressed, I thought about my own future. I was in my mid-thirties and still single, but I wasn’t in a rush to settle down. I enjoyed my freedom and independence too much, but seeing my friends getting married and starting families made me wonder if I was missing out on something. I felt like I was ready to settle down, but the only person I could ever see myself settling down with was Emmy. And that wasn’t possible.

I shook off the thought. I grabbed my phone and texted Leo to let him know I was on my way. I was looking forward to catching up with everyone and having a few drinks. It was better than sitting at home alone and thinking about why I couldn’t be with Emmy. I did that already. I didn’t want to keep going down the same rabbit hole.

As I walked out the door, I checked my reflection in the mirror. I looked good, but not too good. I didn’t want to give off the impression that I was trying too hard to impress anyone. But if I happened to see a beautiful woman at the club, it might not be the worst thing in the world to hook up with someone. It would help me get Emmy out of my mind. At least that was my theory. I hoped it would work. Then again, I didn’t think I could get aroused by another woman. Now that I had Emmy on the brain, it was going to take a long time for me to get over her.

I hopped in the hired car, knowing I was going to be drinking tonight. Hopefully, a lot. I knew the night would be filled with stories of wedding planning, marriage advice, and probably some talk about babies. My group of friends were moving on with life and straight into adulthood. I was the one being left behind. They were all moving forward with wives and kids, and I was going to be alone for a good long time. These little night outs were going to be fewer and farther between. It was going to be weird to be the only single one in the group. The days of prowling the bars and looking for a woman to take home were long gone.

Sean was at the club when I arrived. He was sitting with a couple of guys that looked familiar, but I couldn’t place them. “Luke, this is Cameron and that’s Ramsey.”

“Nice to meet you.” I nodded and took my seat.

Hunter arrived a minute later with Leo trailing in right behind him. We ordered a round of drinks and settled in. “How are the kids?” I asked Sean. He was looking a little rough around the edges with dark circles under his eyes.

“They’re still alive,” he said dryly.

We all laughed. “That’s always a bonus.” I nodded.

“They’re teething,” Sean said. “It’s a fucking nightmare. I’ve heard how bad it is with one, but when you double the trouble, it’s hell on earth. Life with twins is never dull, that’s for sure. It’s been a wild ride the last few months. They’re always doing something new. They’re always learning something new and exciting.”

“You have twins?” Ramsey asked.

Sean smiled. “We have a boy and a girl, and they couldn’t be more different. Our son is a wild child, always on the move and exploring his surroundings. Our daughter is more calm and contemplative, taking everything in. They’re smart. Maybe a little too smart for their own good. I’m dreading the toddler years.”

“Damn,” Ramsey said. “That sounds like a handful.”

“It’s been a challenge to keep up with them.” Sean chuckled. “They are wild, but my wife and I have learned to work together as a team. We’ve had to adjust our schedules and routines to accommodate the demands of two babies, but we wouldn’t have it any other way. They’ve brought us both more joy than I could have ever expected.”

“Sounds like you are ready for another,” Leo teased him.

“No,” Sean said firmly. “Not even.”

“You’re not going to have any more?” I asked.

“I don’t know.” He shrugged. “I think we’re more focused on what we have in front of us. We’ve watched them grow from tiny, helpless infants to curious, energetic explorers. They’re starting to crawl and even take their first steps, which is both exciting and terrifying. Maybe once they’re more independent we might think about another, but not right now.”
