Page 21 of A Childhood Crush

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I was envious. Jealous. I wanted to be exhausted after staying up with my baby all night.

“I want a few kids,” Leo said.

“Despite the challenges, being a dad to twin babies has been the most rewarding experience of my life,” Sean said. “I recommend it. Watching them discover the world around them and learn new things every day is a joy that’s hard to put into words. I can’t wait to take them to Disneyland and the Christmases in the future. It’s fun. Exhausting, but fun.”

“What if you have twins again?” Hunter asked.

Sean laughed. “Don’t even say that.”

“In a way, I would think it would be easier,” I said. “They have someone to keep them occupied.”

“That’s true,” Sean nodded. “It’s been amazing to see how they interact with each other. They’re like two peas in a pod, always looking out for each other and playing together. It’s a bond that’s unique to twins. I know they always have a friend to play with. Of course, there are days when we’re exhausted and overwhelmed, but we remind ourselves that this is all part of the journey.

“One day, we’re going to look back on these days and feel sad they’re gone.”

“Damn, you’re making us feel old,” Leo said. “Give us a chance to catch up with you.”

He chuckled. “I still remember the day I found out she was pregnant and the moment I got to hold them. It feels like forever ago and yesterday at the same time.”

He was making me want to drink. It just drove home the idea I was alone. I downed the rest of my drink and put up my hand to order another.

“Just think, it won’t be long before you’re rocking your baby to sleep,” Sean said to Leo.

“You always said you’d never settle down,” Hunter chimed in.

“I know, I know,” Leo said, shaking his head. “But when you meet the right person, everything changes.”

“I’m not sure I can picture you holding a baby,” I said. “You’re like a bull in a china shop.”

Leo smirked. “I’m ready for it. After the wedding. I’m pretty sure Caroline would kill me if I knocked her up before the wedding. She’s got her dress picked out and is not going to be happy if she can’t fit in it.”

“You’re engaged?” Ramsey asked.

“Yep.” Leo nodded. “Finally met the woman that I want to spend the rest of my life with.”

“He’s marrying the woman he said he hated,” I added. “We couldn’t put the two of them in the same room together without worrying about bloodshed.”

“It won’t be long before you’re walking down the aisle,” Hunter said to me.

I snorted. “I don’t think so. You got the last good one.”

“She’s amazing,” Leo said. “We have so much in common, and I just can’t imagine my life without her. She keeps me on my toes. She doesn’t let me get away with anything. Caroline is probably the only person in this world who scares me.”

“That’s why the two of you hated each other,” Hunter said. “You’re too much alike.”

“But that was in the past,” Leo said. “It’s all good now. We are alike, which means we know exactly what we do and don’t like.”

“So, when’s the big day?” Ramsey asked.

“Three months,” Leo answered. “I can’t wait. I would have married her yesterday if she didn’t want the big wedding, but that’s what she wants and that’s what she’s going to get.”

I groaned and rolled my eyes. “Here we go again. Now that you’ve got him started, he’s not going to stop. He goes on and on. He’s sprung and thinks we all want to hear how in love he is and how perfect she is.”

Ramsey laughed. “Sounds like a man in love.”

“Sounds like a man who can’t wait to run down the aisle,” Hunter said. “I know the feeling.”

“Actually, I can’t wait because it’s going to be pretty funny watching you walk down the aisle with Emmy not far behind,” he said. “I bet I can convince Caroline to rearrange the procession so you’re walking with Emmy.”
