Page 53 of A Childhood Crush

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I rolled my eyes. “Yeah, that’s one way to put it,” I muttered under my breath. But despite my annoyance, I felt a pang of guilt. My mother had always been there for me, even when my father hadn’t.

“Listen,” she said, stepping closer to me. “I know your father hasn’t been the easiest person to deal with, but he’s still your father. And he loves you, in his own way.”

I let out a derisive laugh. “Love? Is that what you call it? I call it control.”

My mother’s expression softened. “I know it’s hard to see it that way, but he’s just trying to protect you. He’s worried about you being out on your own.”

I shook my head. “That’s not protection, that’s imprisonment. He doesn’t want me to have a life outside of his own twisted vision. He doesn’t care about what I want or what makes me happy.”

My mother sighed. “I know it’s not ideal, but you have to understand that your father comes from a different generation. He grew up with different values and beliefs. He just wants what he thinks is best for you.”

I couldn’t help but feel angry at her words. “What hethinksis best for me? You mean what he thinks is best for himself. He doesn’t care about me or my happiness. He just wants to maintain his power and control over me. He knows I don’t want to be in the business. I want to do my own thing. I love writing. I don’t understand why he won’t just let me live my life the way I want to. It’s not like I’m turning tricks or breaking the law. Maybe that’s what he wants. He wants me breaking the law.”

My mother looked at me with tears in her eyes. “I just want you to be safe and happy, honey. Please don’t shut me out. I’m here for you no matter what.”

I softened a bit at her words. Despite everything, my mother had always been my rock. “I appreciate that, but I’m not going to be involved with the business. He can give it to someone else or let it die with him. It’s not for me.”

“Just listen to him,” she said. “Swallow your pride and hear him out. I’m sure he would be willing to listen if you could just give him a chance to explain what he wants from you.”

“Tell me something, Mom,” I said. “Did you ask him to swallow his pride and hear me out?”

“He’s your father and he deserves your respect.”

“Yes, but I also thinkIdeserve respect,” I said. “I tried to do what he wanted. I tried to be the daughter he wanted me to be. I got my accounting degree because he insisted. I was able to slip in some creative writing courses, but he demanded I get the accounting degree becausehewas paying for my education.”

“He was looking out for your future,” she said. “He wanted you to have a career.”

“And writing isn’t a career?” I asked with disgust. “You can tell himno thank you. I’m making writing my career. I’m not using my accounting degree. I’m writing. I’m doing what I want. I have all the support I need.”

“You’re referring to Luca,” she said, using his formal name.

“He’s just after your money, Emmy,” she said, shaking her head disapprovingly. “Your father instructed him to date you and keep an eye on you. Your father will pay him for the job, as he always does.”

My heart lurched. There was a strange feeling that washed over me. It was disgust and fear. I dismissed the idea. “I can’t believe you would say something like that,” I spat. “You don’t know him like I do. He’s kind, caring, and he loves me for me, not for my money. Luke has always been my friend. He’s always looked out for me. I know he didn’t take a penny.”

My mother’s expression softened slightly, but I could still see the doubt in her eyes. “I’m just looking out for you, Emmy.”

I rolled my eyes. “Out of all the people looking out for me, Luke is the only one who genuinely cares about me. He’s the one who has supported me all my life. He doesn’t try to tell me what to do. He supports me in whatIwant to do.”

My mother sighed. “Just be careful, Emmy. I don’t want to see you get hurt.”

“Then tell my father to stop trying to control me! I live with Luke. That’s where I will be from now on.”

She sighed. “Don’t you think it’s a little odd that Luke just swept in to the rescue at exactly the right time?”

“He didn’t swoop in,” I said. “He’s always been there. He’s always been my friend.”

“And now he’s suddenly your boyfriend,” she said. “Why would he suddenly be your boyfriend after all this time?”

“It’s not as crazy as you might think,” I said. “This has been a long time in the making. Luke and I have always had feelings for each other. We’ve just never acted on them.”

“And then suddenly, out of the blue, you do,” she said with a touch of haughtiness. “How odd? Tell me, Emmy, who made the first move?”

“I did,” I snapped. “I’m not having this conversation with you. Shame on you for implying Luke would use me or accept money to babysit me. Luke is practically a member of our family. You know him better than that. I’m disappointed you would think so little of him. Now, I need to get to work.”

“Emmy, be careful. I don’t want to see you hurt.”

“Thanks,” I muttered. I walked into my apartment, knowing that there was no changing her mind. But I also knew that I couldn’t let her, or my father’s twisted plan, affect my relationship. I would stand by my man, no matter what anyone else said. They didn’t know Luke like I did.
