Page 34 of Bite and See

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“Sonny is a snake. A mean, bald, cigar-smelling snake,” she snapped. “He doesn’t hang himself.”

“You almost sound like you are defending him.” The lion from way down deep was telling him to remind Lorena of the truth. Sonny was never really helping her.

“Don’t be crass,” she told Thomas. She sipped from her mug. Her full lips were beautiful, and her cupid’s bow was highlighted by the afternoon sunlight. Her lips became rosier as the hot coffee warmed her.

All Thomas could think about was the first kiss from the night her father had surgery. The kiss had been unexpected, so wholesome, real, and healing. Lips to lips, soul to soul.

“And so am I,” he told her. “By hanging himself, I am talking about a two-prong approach. Prong one is where you keep feeding him information, mostly fiction, until I get what I want.”

“What you want is to learn his motives and his end game.”

“Correct,” Thomas answered.

“Then what is the second prong?” Lorena asked.

“Through you, we will be feeding Sonny false information. You and I will create great fiction together. Believable fiction. Remember that creative writing class you took in high school? Better get your shit together.”

“You aren’t quite convincing me,” she answered. “I’m not sure you can convince me. I know I am repeating myself, but all this goes against my better judgment.”

Lorena absolutely had a fine figure, but when she sat with her posture squared so she faced him directly, he wanted to lunge forward, hug her, and never let go. That kind of posture she had right then was humble and confident at the same time.

“Sonny is a threat. He’s always been a threat. I want to end this threat to me and what is mine, once and for all.”

“So I stay working with Sonny until you learn details and minutia of Sonny’s motives and end game. This is prong one.”


“Prong two is where you and I fashion fiction to feed Sonny that will allow you to undermine his schemes.”

“Correct again,” Thomas told her.

“And you don’t want to add to what I just said?” she asked.

“I do,” he answered. “This whole Sonny thing. He helped you a little, and you had to be dishonest to get that help from him. He was and has been stringing you along here. You and your father would be the first two to disappear once Sonny got what he needed from you. He would wipe you away like any other liability. Your father too.”

What Thomas wasn’t voicing in this part of the plan was how good it would feel to be working with Lorena. The excitement of the passion from a couple days ago rose again. It rose and was demanding attention. The long glances, her feisty banter; he wanted all of that.

The lion, way down deep, wanted all of that too. That is, after smashing Sonny and any other rats into the ground.



Lorena’s confession to Thomas about Sonny and her father was uplifting.

It had been weighing her down, but she hadn’t realized how much until she had spilled everything to him.

Of course, she had known that it had added weight to her already troubled mind with her father and his condition. But now that she felt solely focused on her father’s health and not dealing with Sonny alone, and hopefully soon, not at all, Lorena felt her courage and spirits rise.

That was until she felt the animosity coming from the pride.

There was no denying that she and Thomas were growing closer by the day.

He had barely left her side since she started working there, let alone since her confession. He was a comforting presence in her chaotic world.

Unfortunately, the pride had started to become very aware of their bond as well. And they were making sure the human took notice that she was not welcome in their pride as anything more than a secretary.

Lorena had known how most shifters felt about humans, especially lion shifters.
