Page 35 of Bite and See

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Her father had told her more than enough stories, as well as what she had seen the times she had been around them when her father had dealings. There was a reason the few that were her father’s friends always came to the D’Augustino’s home instead of Papa going to their land.

lions could be accepting, but they definitely preferred the company of their own species over the company of humans.

Lorena couldn’t blame them entirely. It was in their nature. They were pride animals and relied on strong members to keep the hierarchy and way of life running accordingly. Lorena was just their alpha’s assistant.

Given all that, Lorena also knew that there were a few who didn’t mind her, but the majority was overwhelmingly against her.

She also had the paranoid feeling that most were suspicious of where her true allegiance lay.

Thomas was the only one she had told, but that didn’t mean that some of the pride didn’t have their own theories. Especially given the recent state they had been in with the power plays of who was to be in charge.

Lorena wanted to believe she was being paranoid, but she could feel it to the bone. Walking through the pride lands made her realize that her thoughts hadn’t just been her imagination.

All eyes were on her constantly, even more so now that Thomas had taken an interest in her personal life and had involved some of the pride to do so as well.

Now, she and Thomas were spending even more time together trying to come up with a foolproof plan to end Sonny’s threat over her and her father.

Lorena was grateful she had someone she trusted on her side who would stop at nothing and had made it clear. But the wary eyes of Thomas’s pride and her own doubtful heart caused her constant unrest.

She was falling for Thomas. That was a given. How could she not? He was drool-worthy, strong, determined to save her, and had a confidence about him that, apparently, only an alpha had. Everything he did and said was with a fierceness that was addicting to be around.

Lorena was torn regarding her attraction and feelings for him, though. It was causing too many life-threatening issues with her only family, her father.

Every moment she spent with Thomas, plotting or not, her mind went back to the ICU room where her father lay trying to cling to one string of life.

The constant ping-pong of her feelings and thoughts between her father and Thomas was exhausting enough, not to mention the heat of it all. Her mind was constantly buzzing, and sleep had become a distant friend.

Lorena was trying to focus on Thomas’s idea laid out on the desk, but her mind kept wandering back to the hospital and how she was the reason for all of the current problems.

It’s my fault. I made a deal with the devil. I should have gone with my instinct and said no when I had the chance, yet here I am. What if Sonny figures out what I’m doing and makes good on his threats? What if he does it anyway, just to make a point to me? Is there really anything that Thomas can do to stop him?

She drummed her fingers mindlessly on the desk as her thoughts spiraled through all the scenarios.

Thomas startled her when he grabbed her fidgeting fingers and softly gripped them.

Lorena looked into his amber eyes. His tan skin made all of his features even more pronounced.

He was breathtakingly beautiful, like a Greek god that had been used to model the statues.

“What’s going on, Lorena? I can tell you aren’t here. Did something else happen with your father?” The sincerity behind his worried questions almost erased Lorena’s fears. Almost.

For once, Lorena was done trying to be overly strong and hide her feelings. It was no use to do it from Thomas, anyway. He could sniff her out.

“No. I mean, not anything new.” She stood, frustrated with herself, and spun around to face the inquisitive look of Thomas.

“I’m just so confused right now. Every time that I think that I am doing the right thing, especially for my father, it blows up in my face.”

“Lorena, I promise I won’t let …”

“I know you won’t. I believe you, but then that’s the issue, too. Isn’t it?”

“What are you talking about?”

“Your pride, Thomas. You are risking everything to help me, and your pride is definitely not okay with it. I have caused enough issues in my own life. I don’t need them to spill over to yours. You have already been through the wringer as it is, trying to get everything under control. The last thing that you need is your own pride questioning you or turning against you.”

Lorena couldn’t face him anymore. She turned her back, upset that tears were starting to form.

She was exhausted and angry, and simply overwhelmed. She wanted Thomas to help. No, she wanted Thomas to never leave her side. But she wanted his success in life more. Lorena had to be a big girl and handle this on her own. It was her own doing, after all.
