Page 42 of Bite and See

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“I’m here for you,” he said. “And I mean forall the times.This thing between us, it’s not just a physical thing. I’m not just here for the sex. I’m here for life. The tough bits, the big schemes, and all the rest. I have your back, Lorena. You can lean on me.”

His words were like a balm to her soul. Her spirits lifted. “Thank you, Thomas. Your words mean so much to me. I feel the same way about you. I’m just so terrified for the safety of my dad.”

“Don’t worry about that. From now on, your dad will be guarded at all times,” Thomas reassured her.

His words pleased her so much. There was one problem, though. They were in a hospital. “Won’t that draw attention?” she asked.

“No, my boys can be discreet. No one will even know they’re there,” Thomas assured her confidently. “I’m sorry. I should have thought to get them up here before.”

“Thank you, Thomas. You’ve been so good to me.” She felt so much better knowing her father would be protected.

“Don’t think anything of it,” he replied. “Now sit down. Look, I’ve brought you coffee and your favorite snacks.” He indicated the bedside table where the coffees sat.

She smiled. “I definitely need a coffee,” she said. “I’m exhausted.”

They both sat beside Alfredo’s bed. For a moment, there was silence, the beeping of the life support machinery the only noise in the room.

Thomas’s words had a profound effect on Lorena. They woke her up to the possibility of retribution, igniting a spark of hope in her chest. She hadn’t really considered they may be able to defeat Sonny. That his threat could be eliminated completely.

In her mind, Sonny, and the danger he posed, had loomed way into the future. Everyone knew you shouldn’t get in debt to a mob boss, and Sonny had a reputation for being the worst of the worst. She would never have considered going to him as an option if the situation hadn’t been so utterly desperate.

At best, she’d imagined running away. But that would have involved looking over her shoulder for the rest of her life. It certainly wasn’t something she could have considered while her dad was still wounded.

Then there was Thomas, offering her a solution. And more than that. Offering her a future with him. Declaring that he was there for her and that they could fight Sonny together.

It made her heart swell to have Thomas on her side. It meanteverything.He would provide protection for both her dad and her. She already knew she would follow him to the ends of the Earth. She truly believed she could be falling in love with him.

She glanced sideways at him. She suddenly felt shy. Their relationship had suddenly deepened and grown more involved. They were in new territory, and she wasn’t sure of the rules.

He turned to her, handing her a coffee and a chocolate bar. His smile seemed a little shy too.

She gave a little smile. “Thanks,” she said, leaning back in the chair.

“It’s late,” Thomas said. “I should take you home.”



Even though they were both running on pure adrenaline right now, Thomas had one more thing to do before he took Lorena home.

He promised her that he would have her father’s hospital room guarded day and night without causing suspicion. He was going to make sure of that before they left. He also wanted to make sure the ones he put in charge of the shifts knew just how important and fragile this situation was, not just for him and Lorena but also for the sake of the pride.

Sonny had to be stopped by all means, and that started here.

He had to make sure there was a limit to the mob boss’s power and reach. If he fucked with Lorena, then he fucked with Thomas. The pride would also see that as a threat, and that’s what Thomas needed them to comprehend the most.

It took about fifteen minutes for his beta, Daryl, and a few of his other security officers to show up.

“Wait here,” Thomas informed Lorena as he saw his people approach.

“I want to be a part of this.” She stood from the bench.

“I know you do, but I need to talk to my men about the severity of this situation. I need them focused, and that’s all this talk is about. Let me do my job. It’s no slight to you, I promise.”

Lorena softened her stance and nodded, resuming her seat.

He walked up to them and thanked them for their urgency.

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