Page 8 of Bite and See

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He wasn’t the largest animal, but he was easily one of the best stalkers and the nimblest. His sense of smell was also superior, especially given the alpha gene.

That was a big reason he made sure any patrols were in lion form. They would be able to sense a foe easily or at least trace the scent better should anything go wrong.

Thomas’s shaggy brown coat kept him well camouflaged, especially with the sun still missing from the sky. He looked like a big dog at first glance in the dim light should someone see him.

He trotted down the invisible line that marked his pride’s territory, enjoying the peace and quiet. He knew it wasn’t going to last for long, but the early morning was his time for thinking and self-reflection. Especially on how to manage the pride as well as expand their positions in the business.

Thomas was keeping his eyes sharp and his nose low to the ground as his mind also played out different ideas for the expansion of the pride. Then his sensitive nose caught a whiff of a strange scent.

What the fuck?

It wasn’t one of the pride members, new or old. He’d mentally cataloged all their scents already.

Thomas’s hackles went up as he bristled and gave out a low warning growl deep in his throat. He wanted to call out whoever thought they could get the jump on him.

He caught more than one scent. He wasn’t sure if they all would attack at once or be spread out, but either way, he wasn’t going to back down. Thomas wasn’t scared of death, and right now, that was his edge.

He had no mercy or respect for trespassers, especially when they acted like cowards and hid until they could get at him when his back was turned.

Then again, all interlopers were like that.

I fucking dare you,he growled as he bared his teeth where the scent was the strongest.

One lion suddenly leapt from a tree and tried to catch Thomas as it flew into him.

Thomas flattened onto his belly, letting the other soar over him. Two other lions appeared, heads low, teeth bared, trying to threaten Thomas into submission or scare him off.

What a bunch of amateurs.

He didn’t want to get cocky, but based on their attack style and their lack of sense to trespass on his turf, Thomas wasn’t worried.

The one that had missed him was circling back around. He caught Thomas’s eye, and the asshole pissed right on their boundary line out of spite.

That’s all it took for Thomas. He had enough of these young pups who thought they could do as they pleased. He didn’t care what pride they belonged to, if any.

Before the “leader” of the three had even finished lowering his leg from his dramatic piss, Thomas charged and grabbed him by the throat.

The other two stared for a moment in shock as Thomas twisted the head around and let the lion’s body fall to the ground.

He was squirming, but Thomas had a secure grip on the lion’s jugular.

The alpha twisted around so he could look right into the eyes of the other two lions, who were cautious but still approaching him.

Thomas bit down hard and closed the windpipe of the struggling lion.

He held the lifeless throat in his jaws as he kept his eyes locked on the other two.

He noticed them wince when they heard the crunch of the windpipe. Thomas knew they weren’t accustomed to this kind of death. All the better for him, then.

They finally decided they had the guts to attack Thomas, as long as it was both of them at the same time.

They lunged, and one caught Thomas, but not well, just enough to knock him slightly off balance.

He was already back on his feet before the next attack. Each time they sprang at him, he took a bigger chunk from them before they could even lay a paw on him.

There was no structure to their attacks, which gave away just how untrained they were.

He wondered for a split second why such inept lions would even dare take him on by trespassing on his territory.

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