Page 9 of Bite and See

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It wasn’t as though they didn’t know this was his pride’s territory. It was heavily marked with their scents and had been known for as long as the Leone pride had been around.

The thought was slightly troubling, but then again, he’d expected some threats to his arrival.

Enough of this.

Thomas jumped at the one who was passing by him and grabbed onto his shoulder, dropping him instantly.

With one disabled, the other went for an attack, but Thomas was too quick and aware.

He spun around and knocked the other onto his side right before ripping into his exposed stomach.

The lion shook and died quietly as Thomas turned to the injured one and finished him off as well.

Three dead bodies lay hidden from searching eyes but would be found as a warning from any others who thought they needed to test Thomas and his mercy.

He licked his bloodstained muzzle and continued on his patrol, his adrenaline high.

Thomas was almost back to his house when he caught another scent.

It was a lone lion this time and older by the muskiness of it.

He was being challenged.

Right where Thomas would have shifted to change back to his human form, a lion appeared, larger than the last three.

It was a black and gray lion that he didn’t know, but it obviously wanted to eliminate Thomas. He could feel what this lion wanted. Control of the pride now that it seemed to be in a weakened state.

The challenger circled Thomas slowly, trying to intimidate him.

Thomas was still on a high from the kills earlier this morning. He was tired, though, and the fact he was being challenged again made him laugh out loud. But his laughter only caused the stranger to become irritated. The other lion appeared to abandon its tactics and act out.

The fact that the other lion had been triggered so easily boded well for Thomas.

He was used to others underestimating him since he wasn’t large by any means. This also had taught Thomas to never underestimate his opponent unless they acted carelessly like this challenger was doing now.

The nuisance lion attacked and was met with a head-on blow.

Thomas wasn’t holding back and met him in the air, paws swiping and jaws snapping.

He was going to end this challenge the same way he’d ended the trespassers and previous challengers … in death.

The other lion was strong, but not as strong as Thomas.

Thomas easily latched onto him, first his flank, then his shoulder, causing the challenger to drop where he stood. Before giving him the chance to submit, Thomas stayed hooked on the other lion’s shoulder, and he bit down so hard bones crushed.

The lion yelped in pain. Thomas didn’t stop there.

He bit down and tore into the challenger’s back and killed him.

He wanted to leave it just like the three earlier, as an affirmation of his strength and power as Alpha. No one was to threaten his rule.

Thomas stood over the dying challenger and snorted, spraying his and the other’s coat in droplets of blood.

He watched the life leave the stranger’s eyes before he shifted back to human form.

Now, he needed a shower.

* * *
