Page 27 of Luna Wolf's Heat

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“Oh, they can ask, but she won’t tell. She will claim that she doesn’t know.”

“But that is a lie.”

“Maybe, but according to Rylee, that falls under client-privileged information, especially now that she knows more about the case. You should know that we Wolvertons do things a bit differently.”

“I can see that.”

“It’ll be to your benefit. I won’t let anything happen to you.”

“You might not have a choice.”

He frowned and took a step closer to her. “Oh, I have a choice. Believe me when I say this, Elizabeth. I am not lettinganythinghappen to you. If you have to spend the rest of your life here, then so be it.”

The force of his words shocked her, and she took a step back.

Too much. I am way too intense for the human.

He cleared his throat and ran a hand back through his hair. “You’re not my prisoner. I just mean …” he sighed. “I don’t actually know what I meant. I just don’t like the idea that this will ruin your life. You didn’t do anything wrong.”

“Your family is interesting,” she smiled shyly. “All very intense in your own ways.”

He could have kissed her for letting him off the hook. “It’s definitely a family trait. It’s part of who we are.” Canaan wondered if this was the right time to tell Elizabeth she was fully in the wolf’s den, but he thought better of it. It wouldn’t help any to terrify the poor woman.

“You know normal people don’t care about folks they barely know, right?”

“I’m not normal.”

“I know, and I honestly mean that as a compliment. If there were more people like you in the world, I think it would be a better place.”

He chuckled.Oh, Queenie, you have no idea.It sure would be a moreshifterplace. At least now that he had met Elizabeth in person, he understood why he was compelled to help her as soon as she was in trouble. Even at a distance, he could sense she was important to him. Of course, it had taken setting eyes on Elizabeth Mooney to know she was his mate. Now that he knew, he would do everything in his power … and his family’s power … to help her.

“Let’s get to work. Mel will sneak into your apartment tonight, so we should have the laptop by tomorrow night.”

For the next few hours, Canaan and Elizabeth worked side by side. While he did his usual work for BMA, Elizabeth worked on the list Rylee had given her. She only took a break from it to apply to a few jobs, but her chances of getting an interview were slim to none. The business world was small, and her name would be slandered by the investigation.

“So much for innocent until proven guilty,” she mumbled when they paused for lunch.

Canaan made chicken salad, and they ate on the back deck, enjoying the sun and the beautiful sprawling forest. Usually, he would work up an appetite by going for a four-legged run, but he couldn’t do that with Elizabeth around.

Her company was more interesting, anyway.

You only think that because she’s your mate.

“This forest looks a lot like the one in theFantasy Warriorsmovies,” Elizabeth commented between bites.

He grinned. “You’ve got a keen eye. They actually did film a few scenes not too far from here.”

“What? Oh! That’s so cool! I guess it’s convenient to film on land owned by one of the protection agency’s employees.”

Canaan chuckled. “Something like that, yeah. It definitely made it easier for some of the cast and me to grow closer. A couple of them came here to do a quest or two during downtime.”

“Was it fun to go to a premiere?” Elizabeth asked. “Did you have to get a tux?”

He chuckled. “I own a few because my mother loves a good fundraiser. It was fun, though. It was a bit boring to walk the red carpet. Actually, it wasn’t so much boring as it was uncomfortable. You don’t realize it, but the stars have to stop every two seconds to take the same picture over and over again. They answer the same questions, and each time, they have to pretend like it’s new and interesting to be asked who they’re wearing or who they’re with.”

“You’re not an actor. Maybe you just don’t like talking about yourself that much.”

He threw his head back with a laugh. “No, I sure am not. But seeing the movie before anyone else? NowthatI liked. The coolest part was getting some filming stories from the cast at the after-party. And really, Wilder, my older brother, was the one to get invited, but he didn’t want to leave London to go.”
