Page 53 of Luna Wolf's Heat

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“You shouldn’t be mad at her for what she said,” Elizabeth spoke over his curse. “She’s a good lawyer who runs on instinct. She guessed that we had … you know. She acted on it. I’m not mad at her for it.”

Canaan stalled. If it weren’t for Elizabeth’s quick fingers, his Blood Wolf character would have been killed. He turned to face her and spoke through the blood rushing to his head. “She shouldn’t have assumed and taken that choice away from you.”

“No one will ever take my choices away from me again.”

Canaan nodded stiffly. “I feel like I took advantage of you this morning.”

“What?” she gasped. “Are you insane? Did you not remember what I asked you to do?”

He snorted. “Oh, I willneverforgetthat, Queenie. It was one of the best moments of my life, but it doesn’t change the facts. I shouldn’t have …”

“You’re only saying that because of Rylee.That’snot fair.”

Canaan paused the game. “What are you saying?”

“Are shifters born in their animal shapes?” Elizabeth asked, pressingPlayon the game.

“Elizabeth,” he said.

“We’re talking, honey. Were you born a wolf?”

“No. We don’t go through our first shift until puberty. After that, we can shift whenever we want to. If I don’t shift every couple of days, I get uncomfortable. It’s kind of like an inside itch I can’t quite scratch until I shift. My wolf doesn’t give me any peace, either. He’s always in there, giving me lip.”

“He talks to you?” she gasped, momentarily distracted.

“Sort of. I think it’s just like any other thought.”

She grinned. “You talk to yourself.”

He threw his head back with a laugh, the tension leaving his body as they fell back into their easy rhythm. “I guess I do.”

“Does it help you sometimes? Not only to feel less alone but to run your ideas by someone else?”

“Ha. No. It’s not quite like that.”

“It’s pretty incredible. I never knew that there were shifters out there.”

“We’re around. Some regular humans know about us, but they’re sworn to secrecy. I don’t think anyone wants to be the first to go out on a limb and declare that some people can shift into animals.”

“That would be a trip to the shrink’s office for sure.”

“I’m sure it’s happened before, but we have a pretty good network to keep it quiet.”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, shifters have some advantages. We don’t really get sick, we’re hard to kill, and some shifters live longer. A wolf shifter will live longer than the usual human, but dragons have an insane life expectancy. I’ve heard rumors that some can be around for over three hundred years.”

“Whoa. I guess that brings a whole other level to generational wealth.”

He chuckled. “Yeah, we wolves do okay.”

“Hmm, Blood Wolf, you’re a millionaire. Your family owns a lot of very important businesses. You do better than okay.”

“That’s fair, but I did say being a shifter has advantages.”

“And if you have a kid with a human woman, would your kids be wolves like you?”

His breath caught. “Yeah. My kids will be wolves just like Rylee and Kyle’s kids would be.” His sister and best friend lived pretty close. If he and Elizabeth had kids, their cousins could be just as close as Ryland and Axton were, but maybe that was wishful thinking. Elizabeth was asking for more shifter details. It didn’t mean she was on board with being a shifter’s mate.
