Page 6 of Luna Wolf's Heat

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She had to deal with Toby’s insults, but that didn’t mean she didn’t imagine a pack of rabid dogs feasting on his entrails every time he aimed his bullshit her way. Elizabeth plastered on her best fake smile. “Is there something I can help you with, Mr. Evans, Junior?”

He tried to hide his wince as she subtly reminded him he wasn’t the big honchoyet. “How many times do I have to tell you, Liz? Call me Toby.”

About as many times as I’ve asked you to call me Elizabeth, yet here we are.Elizabeth swallowed the biting reply despite her slipping fake smile. “What can I do for you?” she repeated.

Toby shrugged. “I was just bored.”

Because that was such a great thing to say to your employee …

Toby Evans was not known for his stellar work ethic. The only thing hewasknown for was his terrible attitude and his flagrant sexism. That shit shouldn’t fly more than twenty years into the twenty-first century, but Toby got away with everything.

After all, Toby had learned all of this from his father. There was no motivation for the son to be better when he would be handed over the reins of Evans Electronic Limited Services. No one would even bat an eye or dare go against the company’s current heir.

“I’ve got a lot of work to do,” Elizabeth continued to smile, but she slid her eyes over to the door. Hopefully, the subtle movement would be enough to send Toby away. She continued to type on her computer and waited for Toby to wander away to the next poor unsuspecting soul.

She wasn’t typing anything but gibberish, but it was a trick she had. Toby would think she was hard at work, and he would report to his father thatLunar Lizwas too busy for him again.

Let the Evans men think she was busy and working on something.

Elizabeth did her best to collect all necessary information on EELS and its CEO before she went to the authorities. Her cousin was an NYPD officer, and though he had warned her that there wasn’t much that could be done for the theft of her algorithm, Elizabeth wasn’t going to let this go.

Even if every day in the Evans Electronic Limited Services offices made her want to give up on life, move to the Caribbean, and never look at a computer again.

There was a lot for Elizabeth to hate about her work for EELS, but Toby was hardly the biggest problem.

The biggest ass was Jordan Darling.

The first time Elizabeth met Jordan, she was charmed. She was actually silly enough to believe that his last name was prophetic. That Jordan was a darling man.

He sure acted that way.

Of course, it took Elizabeth a bit too long to realize that Jordan wasn’t just a player. He was the worst sort of user. He used people in every possible way, and when he was done with them, he threw them to the wolves, not caring what happened to them.

And she foolishly thought they were in love.

Most embarrassingly, she had doodled his name on some of her notepads during boring staff meetings. Now, the memory of that made her whole body feel like it was on fire.

“Good morning, Liz,” Jordan drawled, joining Toby at the door.

“Elizabeth,” she corrected.

His grin was as slimy as his whole persona. “You didn’t mindLizwhen we were dating.”

She snorted and shook her head. “Well, sure. I was too polite to tell you, but now, I don’t care. My name is Elizabeth, and I insist you call me that.”

Jordan shrugged and leaned against her office door. “Whatever. Have you looked at EELS’s stocks lately?” He whistled. “The company is doing really well for itself.”

Elizabeth narrowed her eyes at him. Jordan didn’tdosmall talk. He did recon. He did snooping. This wasn’t a social or work visit. He was after something.

“I wouldn’t know,” she replied. It was a lie. Of course, she knew the company was doing much better than it had in a long time. She had written an algorithm to help their clients’ security online. It was revolutionary.

There was the slight issue that no one actually knew Elizabeth had created the damn thing. Before she was able to present it to Mr. Evans, Jordan had stolen it from her, effectively ending their relationship.

Little did she know that Jordan already had another girlfriend waiting in the wings. He was a cheater in more ways than one.

“Ah, come on. You know that EELS has skyrocketed. I bet you’re working on some other great thing to help it reach a whole other level too.”

She stifled her laugh. “I was just off for my coffee break.” She grabbed her purse and walked right by him and Toby.

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