Page 7 of Luna Wolf's Heat

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“You used to be chattier, Liz. What happened to you?” Jordan shook his head in disbelief. Toby’s head swung back and forth between them like he was watching a tennis match.

Elizabeth blinked at him, biting on her tongue. She wasn’t going to stand there and give him the satisfaction of raging. It would give him way too much power.

She pushed passed him and made her way to the coffee shop. She tried to shake off the effects of seeing Jordan. In the last six months, he mostly kept his distance. When hedidcome by her office, he needed something.

Jordan would love nothing more than to steal another one of her ideas. In fact, sheknewthat he had gone into her office a few times to go through her files. That security camera had been a stroke of genius, but he never did anything overtly wrong.

Unlike her personal laptop from which he had stolen her algorithm, Elizabeth’s work computer was company property, and any employee was technically allowed to go on it.

Elizabeth lingered in the coffee shop just long enough to make it back to her office at 10:15. She was shocked to see Mr. Evans at her office door. “Hi, sir. Had I known you would stop by, I would have grabbed you a coffee.”

“In there,” he nudged his chin toward her office.

Her stomach clenched.Something was wrong.She sat behind her desk, desperate to keep distance between them. “Is there something I can help you with?”

“We need to talk about your performance in the last few months.”

“Oh?” Alarm bells screamed in her head. Things hadn’t worked out so well the last time that had happened. “Have I done something wrong?”

“You just haven’t been adjusting to your new situation.”

She was stunned. “Excuse me?”

“I never thought you would take out your anger on the company this way,” he continued cryptically. “Elizabeth Mooney, you’re fired.”

Her heart sank, but it was beating so loudly that she was sure she hadn’t heard Mr. Evans properly. “I’m sorry?”

“You’re fired. There’s been a leak in our system, and we traced it back to your computer’s IP address. Take her out.”

A security guard walked into her office and reached for her arm, but Elizabeth moved out of the way, jumping out of her chair. “What the fuck?”

“Now, now,” Mr. Evans groaned. “No need to be like that. You can be a lady about it.”

Her face turned hot and red. “A lady? You want me to be aladyabout this? Do you haveanyidea what is going on here? I’m beingframed.First, Jordan steals my algorithm, and now you make this baseless accusation?”

“Corporate espionage is a very big deal, young lady,” Mr. Evans was so condescending she wanted to knee him right in his balls. “I did warn you all those months ago to forget about Jordan. He’s happy with his new fiancée, and all you’re doing is making yourself look crazy.”

This. Can’t. Be. Happening.

I’ve fallen into another dimension.

Elizabeth couldn’t form another thought as security literally escorted her out of the building. She barely noticed that everyone, including Jordan, watched her go.

In fact, she was completely frozen in a state of disbelief until she got home. Once there, she changed into a pair of loose joggers and a baggy sweatshirt. Despite the early hour, she grabbed a tub of ice cream from the freezer. It was basically her main source of sustenance since the whole Jordan debacle six months ago.

With a mouthful of ice cream melting on her tongue, she logged on toFantasy Warriors, her favorite game, and looked for her favorite questing buddy, Blood Wolf. He was a pretty cool guy.

Unlike Jordan and every other man in her life, Blood Wolf didn’t mind it at all when she took charge. He actuallylikedit.

“Queenie!” His deep voice immediately made her feel better. “It’s a little early for you. Not that I’m not thrilled to see you on here.” His voice filled her headphones, and she cranked up the volume. Blood Wolf,Fantasy Warriors, and ice cream were her guilty pleasures and the only things keeping her going lately.

“Yeah, well, I need to kill something,” she responded before stuffing more ice cream in her mouth.

Blood Wolf laughed. The sound was smooth and creamy. She liked to imagine he was a sexy gamer who harbored a secret crush on her. It was nonsense, of course. They would never meet because she wasn’t an idiot, and getting murdered by some online gaming guy wasn’t very high on her list of things to do.

Besides, after the way things had gone with Jordan, Elizabeth was sure she would never date ever again. That didn’t mean she couldn’t go on a quest with her fantasy crush.

“You need to kill something?” Blood Wolf whistled. “Rough day?”
