Page 41 of The Fortunate Son

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“Sounds like a job for Rory,” Ivan said. “He worked wonders preparing me for my interview.”

“I can see that.” A knowing smile crept across Cash’s face. “I’ll talk to him about it tomorrow. I’m sure Rory has better things to do than to talk marketing strategies on a Sunday afternoon.” He slapped Ivan on the shoulder and said, “And I won’t keep you either.”

“Yeah, I have some laundry to catch up on.”

Cash snorted as he headed to the ranch house. “Sure you do.”

Ivan couldn’t wait to tell Rory all about the interview but kept his gait slow and steady in case anyone was watching. He found Rory lying on the couch beneath a blanket with three cats piled on top of him, a book in his hand, and a fire crackling in the fireplace. The scene was almost an exact replica of his recent fantasy. The only thing missing was him, and Ivan planned to rectify that immediately.

Scruffy raised his head at a noise Rory couldn’t hear or movement he couldn’t see, yet he felt Ivan’s nearness just the same. Awareness brushed over his spine like the big man’s callused fingers when they cuddled naked in bed. Warmth spread throughout his body, and Rory would’ve curled his toes if Candy wasn’t sleeping soundly on them. The littlest feline, Tux, had pressed his little body right up against Scruffy’s. Rory could practically feel Ivan’s intentions crackling in the air and taste them on his tongue. Even thinking the wordtastemade Rory think of their private conversation in the kitchen that morning. Only a few hours had passed, but Rory’s body hadn’t stopped buzzing like Ivan’s beloved bees since their parting words.

I’m desperate to taste my honey on your tongue.

Ivan’s approach was silent and might’ve caught Rory off guard if not for all three cats running across Rory’s chest to get to their master. There was a whisper of rustling fabric as Ivan lowered himself next to the armrest behind Rory’s head. He would’ve arched his neck to look at Ivan, but the only thing he’d see was fluffy cat belly or butt. A cacophony of meows greeted Ivan, and rumbling laughter followed Rory’s attempts to get out from under his cats.

“Kids, kids, kids,” Ivan said as he scooped them off Rory’s chest one by one. “Daddy missed you too.”

Free of furry beasts, Rory arched his neck to look up at Ivan. The cats were clamoring over one another to get his full attention. Scruffy was headbutting his chin, Tux was batting at his earlobe, and Candy crooned to him in the squeakiest little voice he’d ever heard. Adele she was not, but Candy made up for it with her precious adoration. Ivan split his attention between the trio of felines the best he could.

“For someone who doesn’t want to be called Daddy, you sure refer to yourself that way with your cats.”

Ivan met his gaze and smiled. “That’s because I’m their father.” Ivan carefully set the cats on the back of the couch and leaned over until his lips hovered over Rory’s. “The things I want to do to you aren’t fatherly.”

“You don’t want to feed me?” Rory asked.

Ivan licked Rory’s bottom lip. “Does my cock count?”

Rory recalled the feel of Ivan’s erection in his mouth, taking it down inch by glorious inch, and nodded. “I think you also want to pet me and make me purr.”

“Very much,” Ivan said. He stood back up, and Rory got an eyeful of the semierection pressing against Ivan’s jeans. “Did you do all this?”

All this?Rory blinked to get his thoughts off the ways he could make Ivan go from semi to fully erect. “The fire? No. Dylan started it for us.” Recalling the conversation he’d had with Ivan’s best friend before he left made Rory smile. “He made it very, very clear that he would be gone for several hours and we’d have the place to ourselves.” Harry had eventually confessed that their afternoon house hunting was the reason for her distractedness when he’d first arrived. “If I were the blushing sort, my cheeks would’ve been red with Dylan’s unspoken insinuations about what the two of us could get up to while he was away.”

Ivan cupped Rory’s face and gently swiped his thumb over his mouth. “Not the blushing sort, huh?” He leaned forward and kissed him hard. “Sounds like a challenge to me. Want to continue this conversation up in my room?”

“And miss out on the fire?” Rory asked. He reached under the cushion and removed the lube and condoms he’d stashed there once Dylan left. Then he shoved the blanket down his body to reveal he wasn’t wearing pants. The only thing separating Rory’s dick from Ivan was a skimpy pair of dark red briefs. “I believe someone promised me honey kisses.”

A sexy little growl rumbled from Ivan’s chest as he whisked his shirt over his head and dropped it to the floor. He shucked off his pants and underwear with enough force to make his thick, gorgeous erection slap against his lower belly. The three cats scampered from the room as if embarrassed by their father’s brazen behavior.Damn, you are one sexy son of a bitch.

Ivan’s gaze grew tender. “Thank you.”

Rory’s eyes went wide and his cheeks turned pink with the thing Rory claimed he didn’t do. Ivan chuckled but didn’t point out the obvious. “Did I say that out loud?”

Shaking his head, Ivan said, “Your expression said it all.” Ivan came around to the front of the couch and knelt before him. “But you can speak the words out loud if you wish.”

Rory parted his legs to make room for him, but Ivan cupped his thighs to keep him in place. Ivan shifted both hands to his right leg and slid them slowly over his knee and calf. Warm palms smoothed over his ankle and heel, eliciting tiny sparks in his core which burst into flames when Ivan pressed his thumbs into the curved arch. “Damn, you are one sexy son of a bitch.” Rory let out an indecent moan when Ivan pressed a little deeper as he worked his thumbs toward the ball of his foot. “I—” His breath hitched, and he needed a minute. Could a man come from a foot rub? If it were possible, Ivan could make it happen. “I take it back,” he said breathlessly.

Ivan arched a brow. “You don’t think I’m sexy?” he asked as he pinched lightly and pulled on Rory’s big toe.

Rory’s eyes threatened to roll back in his head. No one had ever rubbed his feet before, so he didn’t know it could feel so good. “So fucking sexy,” Rory moaned. “I just take back the insult to your mama.”

Ivan chuckled, lifted Rory’s foot, and placed a kiss on the tingling arch. “I appreciate that.” Then he did the gentle pinch-pull on all the toes, making Rory’s dick jerk each time.

He wanted to close his eyes and tilt his head back, but he couldn’t tear his gaze away from Ivan. The firelight glowed against his skin and shone in his eyes. The flames danced and flickered, matching the ones warming up Rory’s insides. Ivan’s gaze was downright incendiary, but Rory wanted to see if he could make it burn even hotter. He rested his left foot on Ivan’s hairy thigh, then slowly inched it upward. The angle of Ivan’s body put most of his lower abdomen in shadow, but Rory had become very familiar with his gorgeous body in a brief span of time. Rory angled his foot down at the perfect moment to brush over Ivan’s inner thighs and caress his balls. Tucking his toes under the taut sac, Rory zeroed in on Ivan’s taint with unerring accuracy.

Ivan sucked in a sharp breath and his big body tensed. “I’m supposed to be seducing you.” If he’d wanted to sound convincing, he should’ve put more oomph into his voice and maybe not spread his thighs farther.

Rory didn’t retract his foot. He rotated his ankle to massage and press a little deeper into the erogenous zone. Ivan’s head tipped back, his lips parted on a sigh, and his thumbs found a spot between the arch and ball of Rory’s foot that made him jerk upright. The motion sent Rory’s curious foot deeper between Ivan’s legs and his toe grazed over Ivan’s pucker. The big man jolted, and his fingers tensed around Rory’s foot before he continued the massage. It was impossible to tell if Ivan’s reaction was good or bad, so Rory retreated to massage Ivan’s taint and the underside of his balls. Then he waited a few seconds and slowly eased his toe back toward Ivan’s pucker, giving him plenty of time to object, but Ivan only spread his legs wider. The tentative action made Rory think Ivan might be an anal virgin—a curious one at that. “Have you ever…” He let the unfinished question float in the air.
