Page 51 of The Fortunate Son

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He didn’t have matches or a lighter, but the candle’s scent was strong enough without them. Removing the lid was enough to fill the room with an enticing aroma, but that wasn’t what made Ivan’s dick hard or filled him with a sense of urgency. It was Rory, stretched out naked on his bed and lazily caressing his chest. Ivan kicked off his shoes and pulled off his socks all while feasting his eyes on the beautiful sight before him. Amber and gold shimmered against Rory’s skin as if someone had drizzled honey over his body. An idea for another day perhaps. Each slow, downward slide took Rory’s hand closer to the place Ivan wanted to kiss and touch the most. Ivan’s attempts to remove his shirt failed when Rory’s fingertips brushed the head of his cock on the next pass. Rory let out a little gasp, and a shiver rippled through his abdomen.

“Christ, you should be illegal in all fifty states,” Ivan growled.

“What about the US territories?” Rory asked.

Ivan stripped his shirt off and reached for his belt before answering. “Those too.” He shoved his pants and underwear down his legs and stepped free. Instead of climbing onto the bed, Ivan just stood there and watched wicked fingers trail up and down Rory’s shimmering torso. “You’re so beautiful.”

Rory’s fingertips brushed over his cockhead and kept sliding south over his erection. Rory’s mouth fell open, but no sound escaped. His eyelids lowered to half-mast and goose bumps popped up all over his flesh. “Have you ever done this before?” Rory whispered.

“Jerked off? I’m a pro.”

One corner of Rory’s mouth tipped up in a seductive smirk Ivan wanted to kiss. “I meant, have you ever done it in front of someone else either individually or simultaneously?”

Ivan’s skin heated at just the thought of deliberately stroking himself in Rory’s presence. “No.”

Rory quirked a brow. “You mean until now?”

Ivan glanced down and was surprised to find his hand slowly working up and down his shaft. He was too caught up in watching Rory to be conscious of his own movements. “Until now.”

Rory’s smile was blinding and brilliant. “Another first for both of us.” He crooked the forefinger of his idle hand, and Ivan immediately complied. Rory rolled onto his side, and Ivan lay beside him, facing the man who’d rocked his world in big and small ways. Each quake tore away more of his armor, freeing Ivan from harmful, imprinted notions and ideas that what he needed was wrong.

“Are there any rules?” Ivan asked.

“Just kiss me. Please.”

Ivan leaned in to kiss Rory but didn’t linger too long because he didn’t want to miss watching Rory pleasure himself. It was hard to say what turned Ivan on more, having Rory’s eyes on him while he stroked his dick or watching pleasure spread throughout Rory in a full body blush. Their bodies were close enough that their knuckles brushed occasionally, but that was the only source of connection between them. Ivan craved Rory’s hands and mouth on his body, but that only amplified the mounting pleasure. They eventually found the same rhythm, both in their breathing and their strokes. It was one of the most intimate things Ivan had ever experienced, even though they weren’t touching aside from their knuckles. Ivan kept his gaze locked on Rory’s as his orgasm built. He fell over the cliff first, his release coating both their hands. Rory released a sexy little growl. Then he rolled Ivan onto his back, straddled his hips, and rutted against his slick dick with the fiercest expression Ivan had ever seen. Rory’s body stiffened, and he came loudly and lustily before he collapsed onto Ivan’s chest in a boneless heap.

“I’ll move in a minute,” Rory said, even as he snuggled closer, tucking his head under Ivan’s chin. He was so close that his exhales ghosted over Ivan’s neck, and he felt the rhythm go from nearly panting to a soft, sleepy pace just before he drifted to sleep. “Or thirty,” Rory murmured. Ivan’s skin muffled his voice, and the words came out sluggishly.

Ivan tightened his hold around Rory and decided they could rest a little before cleaning up. Ninety minutes later, the pair stood in the shower washing off what remained after their ill-advised nap. Rory brushed his finger over the bald spot on Ivan’s lower abdomen and worked his bottom lip between his teeth. The patch was red and angry, but Ivan was more concerned about the self-recrimination in Rory’s gaze.

“It’ll grow back in a few days.”

Rory raised a skeptical gaze. “A few days.”

Ivan pointed to his beard and nodded. “I can shave this in the morning and a new beard will take its place by dinner.”

Rory laughed and rolled his eyes. “Be serious.”

“Okay, it might take longer than a day, but you’ll see firsthand just how fast it grows…if you don’t quit me.” He’d meant the last part to be a teasing reminder of Rory’s past comment.

Instead of a typical snarky comeback, Rory leaned into him and rested his head against Ivan’s chest. There’d been an undercurrent of frenetic energy coursing beneath Rory’s skin lately. Ivan sensed he was going through something. He’d waffled between trying to get Rory to open up and letting him be, and he’d chosen the latter. Ivan hoped it wasn’t the wrong path.

“Just try to shake me loose,” Rory murmured.

And maybe they were better than okay. Inspiration struck Ivan like a thunderbolt. In fact, it struck him so hard and fast he could almost smell the ozone burning. Or maybe that was the smell of his brain cells regrouping after sex. “Let’s go out to dinner.”

Rory jerked his head up, but Ivan was on to him and leaned out of harm’s way. “Sorry. Snuggling this close to someone is still new.”

“I enjoy being your first something.” Rory had traveled the world and rubbed elbows with some of the richest men in the world. That didn’t make those guys better than Ivan, but it definitely made them more interesting. They could give Rory things he couldn’t. But Ivan recalled the version of Rory that had arrived on the ranch and reconsidered. What Rory had received from others thus far was a busload of cow manure.

“You’re the only guy who’s wanted me for me and not what my connections could do for him,” Rory told him. “You’re the bestfirstI’ve ever had.” Rory tilted his head to the side. “Were you serious about dinner?”


“Like a date?” Rory pressed.

“Yes. Is that o—”
