Page 64 of The Fortunate Son

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“Believe it or not, I know how to cut through the crap and see to the heart of a man. I’m fully aware of Cash Sweeney’s mission for Redemption Ridge, and I know he’s not harboring dangerous people. Nicky wouldn’t have dropped you off there if he was at all concerned about your safety. I promise not to read any of the nonsense written about Ivan, and I will go into meeting him with an open mind.”

“You want to meet him?”

“He’s an important part of your life now. Of course I want to meet him.” Charles chuckled at Rory’s silence. “Listen, I know what happens when a Snyder falls in love. I recognize that expression on your face when you looked into his eyes. Then there was that sweet ‘There’s my guy’ comment.”

“Do you think Mom knew how much we loved her?”

“I promise you she did. And I love you, Rory. I’m sorry I haven’t reached out to you. I thought you were angry at me for disrupting your life with this campaign.”

“And I’ve been too mortified that my past behaviors have caused you so much trouble.”

“Rory, the only person who should be sorry is the one behind these personal attacks. And we’re going to trap a rat and expose them to the world. Then we’re going to pivot the conversation to the things our constituents really care about.”

“Sounds like a good plan to me.”

They continued talking for a long time. Ivan stopped by with breakfast at some point, then backed out of the room with the food. Rory didn’t mind reheating it later. Talking to his dad was more important. Before they hung up, they agreed to play Would You Rather every morning, no matter where they were or what they had going on. Rory was already planning his first question for the following day. Rory and Charles had built a bridge back to one another that had been ravaged by grief, and while things weren’t perfect between them, they had a path back to one another. For the first time since his mom died, Rory had hope he could have his family back. Well, his family by blood. He had found a different but equally important family at Redemption Ridge and in Ivan. And Rory would do everything he could to protect both of his families.

He found Ivan in the living room when he went downstairs. Instead of heading into the kitchen for something to eat, Rory plopped onto his lap like one of his cats. He rested his head on Ivan’s shoulder, but neither man spoke for several minutes. There was beauty in the silence, something Rory had never experienced with anyone else. When he was ready, he shared the highlights of the conversation he’d had with his dad.

Afterward, Ivan kissed him tenderly and brushed a finger over his face. The moment felt right for a significant declaration.

“I’m going to keep you,” Rory whispered as he stared into the eyes he adored so much.

“Not if I keep you first.”

Ivan ran his nose along Rory’s neck, pressing a kiss against his skin every few inches until he reached Rory’s ear. “Do you know what today is?” he whispered.

Rory squirmed on the blanket Ivan had laid out in the center of his high school’s football field. They’d been in his hometown for two wonderful weeks, giving his family the chance to fall for Rory the way Ivan had. He’d never brought a boyfriend home to meet them, so he hadn’t been sure what to expect. His mama had been smitten with Rory from the start, and Innes, Sarah, and baby Claire were big fans too, but Ivan had to wrestle Rory away from his mother every time he turned around.

“Friday night,” Rory finally said. “A few weeks from now, all the lights will be on in this stadium and people will fill the stands. Do you miss playing?”

“I played at the highest level I wanted to achieve,” Ivan replied. “The camaraderie on the ranch surpasses the bonds I made playing football.” Ivan tugged Rory’s earlobe between his teeth and pulled until the flesh popped free. Rory shivered and wiggled closer to Ivan. “That wasn’t the correct answer.”

“What do I get if I guess correctly?” Rory asked.

“I won’t pull out after I come, and you can fall asleep with my dick in your ass.”

Rory turned his head in Ivan’s direction so fast their foreheads nearly collided. Ivan was used to his reactions and had already eased back. “That’s new.” Once they stopped pretending their relationship was temporary, they got tested and tossed the condoms.

“A first,” Ivan whispered.

The past two weeks had been a sequence of new experiences. To say he’d lived his best life was an understatement. In the quieter moments, Ivan could almost hear the younger version of himself weeping in jubilation at the love he’d found. Adult Ivan got to hold his boyfriend’s hand in the center of town, make out with Rory in his old bedroom, and cop a feel under the football bleachers. Those weren’t the moments both versions of Ivan loved the most, though. Earlier that morning, Mama had taken Ivan aside while Sarah distracted Rory and handed him a ring box.

“For when you’re ready.” Mama’s voice was thick with tears, but her eyes had radiated joy. “You’ll know when the time is right.” The box contained his father’s wedding band. “Your dad didn’t want me to bury it with him. He wanted you to have it for your special someone so you’d know just how much he loved you.”

Ivan struggled to find the words to express how much the gesture meant to him. He flipped open the box but only saw a gold blur through his tears. His father had never taken the ring off, even when wearing the band created a potential hazard on the farm. It was too easy to snag on machinery and lose a finger or worse. But the band represented something far more important to him than his safety. After falling in love with Rory, Ivan finally understood his dad’s insistence on wearing it. The thing was, Ivan hadn’t told Rory he loved him…yet. And since that seemed like the most important first experience, Ivan had brought Rory to this very special place.

Rory pursed his lips and narrowed his eyes in concentration. “August thirty-first.”

Ivan kissed his pouty mouth. “Yes, but that wasn’t the answer I was looking for.”

“Damn it. I really want my prize.” Rory chewed on his bottom lip, and Ivan was too charmed by his determination to intervene. “Let’s see. It’s the last night of our vacation because everyone knows travel days don’t count.”

They’d have over eight hours on the road, and Ivan couldn’t agree more. “Also true, but still no.”


Ivan was just as desperate to fall asleep with his dick inside Rory, so he gave him a hint. “An anniversary of sorts.”
