Page 16 of Reckless Abandon

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“Ugh… are you even listening to me, Sloan?” I faintly hear my sister whine from the pool lounger next to me. Last night, our main crew hung out together to commiserate over the end of summer. We spent the evening around the firepit, enjoying each other's company and judging by my hangover, one too many drinks.

The end-of-the-year pool party has become a tradition ever since Maddie and Eli were seniors in high school. All of our friends convene at our house one last time before everyone goes their separate ways. It’s sort of like a last hurrah.

“Nope,” I respond, popping my p for emphasis. Of course, I’m not listening to her, I’m too distracted by the literal god splashing in the pool in front of me. While we’re recovering poolside, the boys have all decided to crack open some beers and mess around with a football in the water. I don’t know what it is about guys and sports, but it’s like some sort of pheromone gets released in the air as soon as physical activity commences. All the females become acutely aware of their every movement. My current view is of Wesley fucking King and his enticingly tanned skin glistening in the sun as he throws the football to Taylor in the pool. My body shivers as the thought of his hands on me replays for what must be the third or fourth time in the last half hour, leaving no room in my mush-of-a-brain for much else.

His seemingly normal motion brings back a flood of memories from last night after we snuck away from the fire pit. Wes’s hands all over my body, exploring and caressing every inch of me, taking full advantage of the privacy of a closed door. His head between my thighs as I muffled my loud moans into my pillow. The face he made when I took him in my hands and caressed him until he could barely speak. Then his loving embrace and gentle kisses as I drifted off to sleep in his arms.

I break out in full body goosebumps as I replay his hot as hell whispers when he stripped me out of my clothes. “God, I’ve waited all night to touch you.” Kiss. “To feel you beneath me again.” Kiss. “I can’t stop thinking about you. You consume my every thought. I hope you know what this means, my little Thea… you’re mine, baby.”

My jaw dropped at his exclamations of love. “Wes… I, I—” His mouth quickly claimed mine, cutting off my inferred declarations, and my body melted in his arms. My heart was beating out of my chest. I was finally going to have my king, and nothing was going to stop me.

I never knew what it meant to have your body owned by another. I have read about it plenty of times in my romance books, but never experienced it with Liev. The way my body reacted to his every touch and command was utterly intoxicating. We were unable to keep our hands off one another. I was shamelessly begging to be taken. Wes stopped us before I could impale myself on his cock. He told me we had a little too much to drink and that he wanted it to be something I would never forget. Promising me that when he did take me, that I would be ruined for anyone else.

“Ohhhh… I see.” I hear from the lounge to the left of me, breaking my dream-like trance. “You’re too distracted to chat. Shit, I don’t blame you. That pool is filled with some gorgeous eye candy. Our brother aside,” she says, faking a gag at the thought of Eli. I know if Quinn was here, she’d think otherwise.

When I confronted her about them hooking up, she confessed everything to me. In her words, they’re just really good friends that occasionally take it to the next level—but nothing more. I just don’t want her to get hurt. Selfishly, I know their relationship gives me the willpower to tell Eli to shove it if he has an issue with Wes and me.

“Definitely not the worst thing to recover to.” I laugh at her, pulling my sunglasses back over my eyes and reclining further in my chair.

“Nope, not bad at all.”

“Geez, would you just look at him? He’s so fucking hot… like a walking wet dream,” she blabbers a few moments later. I take another peek at the pool to see who she's referring to this time.

My eyes immediately fall on Wes as he props his hands on the side of the pool and hoists himself out, letting the water cascade down his tanned abs. The sight forcing me to clench my thighs. He saunters over to one of the large coolers and takes out three waters, opening one and guzzling it quickly. I can’t help but stare as his throat swallows each long gulp. Wiping his mouth clean with the back of his hands as he finishes it in record time.

A shiver comes over me as we make eye contact across the pool deck. “Ugh girl stop drooling, if you want to climb Mount Olympus you’ll have to get in line.” I hear my sister laugh out. I quickly snap back that I was not drooling, just admiring.Wait, did she just say get in line?Before I have a chance to ask her what she means, Wes starts walking our way.

“Ha! Yeah, right, your expression says it all. As if you were envisioning his perfect fucking sweaty body draped across yours just like every other female here,” she whispers.Wow, that was bizarrely accurate.

“You’re crazy.” I laugh, waving her off with my hands, trying to hide the blush that’s creeping up my cheeks. Quickly changing the subject before he gets over here, I say, “I was hoping to get more time with you this summer, Mads, but it seems like the days just flew by. Now we both leave for college next week.”

“I know. I’m sorry. I would have liked to have spent more time with you, too. It really did go by so fast,” she says, looking at Wesley approaching us. “Why don’t we have a girl’s night in for old time’s sake tonight?” I nod my head excitedly in response.

“You ladies recovering okay?” Wes asks, handing Maddie and I bottles of water.

“Yeah, I’m fine. Just nursing my headache and daydreaming.” Giving him a sly smile, letting him know I was recalling our rendezvous from the night before.

“It certainly looked like you were deep in thought,” he laughs out.

“That’s exactly what I said,'' Maddie chirps from her lounger. I turn my head and give her a scowl, hoping she doesn’t add any of the other information she thinks she knows. Thankfully, she laughs at me, chugs her water, and lies back, tugging her shades on.

Wes stares at me with a fire in his eyes and a look that promises another fun filled evening. Then his expression turns absolutely devilish. Just as my brain catches up to his intentions, I’m scooped up and thrown over his shoulder. “Put me down… Wes! Don’t you dare even think about it,” I yell as he trudges back to the pool. Shit, he’s going to throw me in. He just laughs at my futile screams for help, our spectacle gaining the attention of all our friends.

As if they all conspired against me, everyone chants for him to throw me in. “If you think you’re getting any tonight, you’re sadly mistaken…” I whisper angrily at his back. He swats my ass playfully and laughs out just as he leaps into the pool with me.

When my head emerges, I give him my best “you’re going to pay for that” stare, then leap onto his back, pulling him back under the water. Under the cover of the ripples of the water, Wes grabs onto my hips and quickly drags me along his hardened length. Releasing me just as quick, I resurface and smirk at him.Oh, I’m going to torture him later.

Our commotion in the water causes a bunch of friends to join us in the pool, where we spend the next hour splashing and goofing around.

When I’ve had my fill, I swim to the nearest set of stairs to climb out. My foot hits the top step when a set of hands coming from behind me land low on my hips. Thinking they’re Wes’s, I pause, relishing the feel of them on me. “Where are you going, Lo? I thought we could have a little fun,” a voice that’s definitely not Wes’s whispers close to my ear. A little too close, I can smell the alcohol on his breath. My body freezes.Taylor?

Spinning around, I try to push him off, but he just laughs and lifts me into the air. “You can let go now, Taylor. I want to get out.”

But he doesn’t listen to me as he spins us around, figure skater style. “Oh, come on, Lo, hang with me for a little… You can’t give all of your attention to Zeus.”

“Dude, let me go. I want to get out,” I demand. The feel of his hands on me makes my skin crawl. Taylor finally lowers my body into the water, but I’m still too close to him, and my body drags along the front of his. Now that my feet are down, I make a move to get away from him, but he holds on to my hips, his hands dropping just a tad bit lower, so they graze the top of my ass. Taylor smirks at me, just as I feel his length hardening against my stomach. A wave of nausea hits me as another waft of alcohol comes from him. Geez, how much did he drink?

“You see what you do to me,” he whispers.
