Page 2 of Reckless Abandon

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There’s no questioning why they all call him Zeus, with the last name King, his Greek heritage, and the face and body of a god. He was destined for perfection.

If you haven’t caught on already; I, Sloan Barton, am in love with Wesley King. I think I loved him before I even knew what love was. Always running to him when I needed help or just tagging along with him and Eli whenever I could. Once I realized my true feelings, I would still tag along, but I would admire him from afar, too afraid to overstep that boundary. Not wanting to ruin the family dynamic we all have.

You see, the Bartons, the Kings, and the Turners are all really close friends. We were all raised together. My parents and the Turners have been friends since before I was even born. The Kings moved into our neighborhood when I was eight, and they were instantly brought into the family circle. We spend an absurd amount of time together. Holidays and family vacations, you name it, and we’re all there. Therefore, my feelings for Wes have remained under wraps. Besides, I don't think he sees me as anything more than the Barton twins’ little sister.

Wes makes his way toward my side of the truck, and I quickly slide over to make room for him. He reaches into the car next to Eli’s, grabs a t-shirt, and throws it on before getting in with us. “Zeus, let’s go bro, this isn’t a runway. Hurry up!” Eli barks. Wesley beams his panty dropping smile and laughs as he hoists himself into the seat beside me. With his smile still in place, he looks at me with his pale green eyes that take my breath away.How can someone be this beautiful?He leans forward into the front seat to talk with Eli and Maddie. This position puts his large, sculpted arms on full display, and I can't help but just sit back and admire them. A year away has certainly done his body good. His sharp jaw is now adorned by dark scruff, which only makes his full lips even more enticing.I wonder what they would taste like?

“Hey Lo! I’ve missed you… How’s it going?” he says while wrapping an arm around me for one of those awkward side hugs. Wesley’s proximity and the sensation of his arm around my shoulder has my body brimming with anticipation and I clench my thighs together.

“It’s going… glad to have you all back in town. I’ve really missed you. It's been too long!” I say a little too loudly, causing me to recoil as a slight blush takes over my cheeks. Wes lets out a light chuckle at my expense but continues watching me. Why am I so fricken awkward around him? Oh, I know. Maybe it’s because earlier I was literally two seconds away from getting myself off to the thought of him.

“Where’s Q?” he asks, referring to my bestie, Quinn Turner. Who I currently wish was sitting beside me to help reel my ass back in from openly ogling Wes every chance I get.

“She’s driving with Braydon. He had practice this morning, so their parents asked her to wait for him. But don't worry, they’ll be there for all the festivities.”

“I mean, it wouldn't be a party without her,” he laughs, all too aware of how crazy Quinn can get.

“You can say that again,” I giggle.

Sitting back, I relish the feel of the wind in my hair and being surrounded by the people I love. Quinn too, of course, but that's a given. Honestly, when I'm with them, all is good in the world.

A few moments pass and I swear I can feel his gaze on me. Turning to him, I smile. “Honestly, it feels great having you back in town.” Placing my hand on his arm, I give it a small squeeze. My touch lingering just a tad too long. He doesn’t make an effort to move away, either. Watching him intently as his eyes roam over me, I do a silent victory dance. This weekend should be interesting.

* * *


What the fuck is wrong with me?I’m sitting in the back seat of my best friend’s truck and I can’t stop stealing glances of his baby sister’s creamy thighs. I’ve never thought of her as more than Eli and Maddie’s sweet younger sister.

But right now, damn… right now, I’m getting a glimpse of just how much she’s grown up in the last year.

There’s too much history between me and the Barton twins. Even if Sloan was down for a quick fuck, I would hate myself for treating her like just another random girl. She was the cute kid chasing after us, trying to keep up. Her siblings tried leaving her behind when we were young—too annoyed with her for slowing us down.

I guess I’ve always had a soft spot for her. When they would leave her in the dust, I’d lag behind to make sure she was okay. One thing Sloan Barton had always been was kind.

My mother says Sloan’s an old soul… wise beyond her years and full of the brightest light. Even as close as I was with Maddie and Eli, somehow it was Lo who knew the right thing to say to me when I was feeling down.

This past year of college—as well as starting my modeling career—has taught me that genuine kindness is hard to find. I tend to be a perfectionist. Which is probably why I chose modeling… it comes naturally to me and isn’t a constant challenge to my overstimulated brain. It’s hard for me to give myself a break when I can’t master a certain task, no matter what it is.

Sloan starts moving to the music as we cruise the expressway, making it even harder to look away from her. Her hair is wild as the wind rips through the truck's open windows.

The Calvin Harris beat drops and she leans into the front of the car to turn the radio up. This is the Lo I have always known.




A breath of fresh air compared to the dense college girls who have been throwing themselves at me this past year. Lost in the view of her ass on display, I don’t notice Maddie push her back until she’s in my lap. My hands instinctively go to her waist as she grabs my thighs to steady herself. With that touch, something ignites inside me, and we both instantly look up and lock eyes. I’m lost in her big blue eyes when Maddie interrupts us. “Lo, get off Zeus and put your seatbelt on!”

Sloan jumps off me like I’m on fire as a blush runs up her neck. “Chill, Mom,” she grumbles with an eye roll directed towards her sister.

“Sorry Wes,” she chuckles, seeming embarrassed.

“No big deal.”

I want to tell her she can sit on my lap anytime she wants but the birthday boy and girl in the front seat wouldn’t be too happy with that.
