Page 67 of Linc

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I don’t remember that part.

“Not that it matters. He was bleeding so much, I’m sure he’s dead by now. You guys found a pretty remote place to hide from me.”

It’s remote, and no one except Liam knows where it is.

“How did you find us?” I ask.

“The day you were at the park. You didn’t notice me when you were engrossed in whatever hand-to-hand combat you’ve learned since I last saw you. Hence the drugs. I put a teeny tiny little tracking device on his bike, courtesy of my new friends.” Jace smiles like the sadistic asshole he is. “I’ve been keeping an eye on your boy since he got out of prison. That’s how I found him in Texas. It was dumb luck I found you there, too. I knew my day would come, though. I figured he would eventually lead you to me.”

So, Jace was after revenge on Linc in Texas, not me.

“Why? After all this time, Jace, why can’t you just let me go?”

“Because,” he says, kneeling down and grabbing my bruised face roughly. “You were mine. He thought he could beat me nearly to death, and you could just disappear?”

I try to move my face out of his hold, but he tightens his grip.

“That’s not how this works. You took something from me and tried to run, but you should have known sooner or later I’d find you. Six years is a long time to imagine all the things I would do to you.”

His gaze rolls down my front, and if the drugs didn’t make me want to throw up whatever was in my stomach, the look he’s giving me definitely would.

“Jace,” I hear an unfamiliar accented voice call out.

My ex turns his attention to the four men that have entered the warehouse. All of them are dressed to the nines in three-piece suits and slicked-back hair. The man who called out Jace’s name looks at me without so much as an ounce of interest or pity. The other three don’t pay me any mind, either. Their lack of reaction does not bode well for me.

“Alberto, there you are. Glad you got my message,” Jace says, standing from his crouched position in front of me, finally releasing my face.

The smile he gives the man is so at odds with how he was behaving toward me just moments ago. The bastard didn’t even skip a beat going from hurting and threatening me to talking to whoever this Alberto guy is like they’re long-lost buddies.

“This is the girl, then?” Alberto asks, coming over and studying me like I’m a prized heifer.

“Yeah, man, this is her.”

“Where’s this notebook you promised us?” Alberto asks as he circles around me.

“Well, that’s the thing,” Jace starts. “She doesn’t have it. The dumb bitch gave it to Ozzy, so it’s at the clubhouse. But I’m sure we can work something else out since you’ve been helping me.”

What the fuck is Jace talking about, working something else out?

“That was not our deal. You were supposed to bring me the notebook, then we would pay you accordingly for the information. All you’ve brought me is a bruised-up girl and trouble from not only the Irish but the Black Roses.”

“Right, yeah, but you know, sometimes things don’t work out like we plan. I can’t get you the notebook, but what about her?”

Umm, excuse me?

“I’ve heard you guys deal in more than blow and guns. You could get a pretty penny for her on the auction block, no?”

Alberto looks me over again, considering Jace’s change of plan. It’s not as if he has to imagine what’s underneath any clothes I’m wearing, considering I’m still in this damn bikini.

After several tense moments, he nods. “Yes, she would do nicely, I think. What do you think, Luca?”

The other man looks at me with a lascivious grin that sends chills down my spine.

“We would make a pretty penny off her, boss.”

Jace nods his head frantically as though this is the best idea he’s ever had.

“There you go. With a little training from a strong hand, I’m sure she would fall in line. She always did for me,” Jace says.
