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“This is your boat?” she said.

“Sure is. She’s beautiful, huh? Come on,” I said, as they lowered the stepladder from the deck. “Lunch is waiting for us, I believe.”

“Lunch?” said Lena.

“You bet,” I laughed. I helped Lena up the ladder and we proceeded up to the observation deck at the top. It was usually open air, but I had an umbrella brought out so we wouldn’t get sunburned. Lunch arrived promptly.

“Would you like anything to drink?” said one of my crew. “Champagne? White wine?”

“Actually, my stomach’s been a little weird lately,” said Lena. “But a glass of water would be nice?”

A bottle of aqua panna was delivered to the table, ice cold.

“This is incredible, Alex,” said Lena.

“I hoped you’d like it. You’ll like it even more when we get to where we’re going.”

“Where are wegoing?” Lena asked curiously.

“There’s an island off the coast of Kauai. It’s about an hour’s sail from here. Not very many human inhabitants. There’s a resort on one side, but the rest is a nature reserve, for all kinds of tropical birds.”

“That sounds incredible,” said Lena.

“I’ve wanted to visit for years,” I said.

“I can’t wait to get there.”

We were having pulled pork, a traditional Hawaiian favorite, with a beautiful salad. For dessert, I had the chef on board prepare us some Portuguesemalasadas.

“Oh my God, these are great,” said Lena. “I don’t know why I’ve been so hungry today.”

“Eat as much as you like,” I said.

“Alex,” said Lena, “this isn’t just about saying thank you for working with you over the last few months, is it? I’d hate to think … I mean, this is all nice, but …”

“But you’re worried I don’t want to be here,” I said, smiling.

Lena laughed. “Kinda stupid, huh?”

“No. But, you’re wrong. I do want to be here. And as for the rest, well, we’ll figure that out.”

“You’re something else, Alex, you know that? This is so nice of you,” said Lena, looking thoughtful.

I shrugged my shoulders. “I need a break from it all. The hotel, the company … everything.”

“Well, I’m honored you chose to spend your free time with me.”

“I like you,” I said.

I didn’t mean to say it. But it just came out like that. Unforced, unfiltered. Lena looked a little awkward and blushed.

“I like you too,” she replied.

I smiled, and put on my sunglasses, while together we watched the island of Kauai recede in the distance until it was nothing more than a tiny, dark line on the horizon.

Chapter Fifteen

