Page 36 of One Final Breath

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“Oh, I don’t know, was it locked?”


“I’m sorry, what’s up?”

“Is Braxley in here? I can’t find him anywhere.” I glance at Faye who is now standing beside me, and we both begin to panic.

Do not let him be in here.

“I don’t think so. Did you push the call button on the radio to see if you can hear his ringing?”

He shakes his little head, his blue eyes looking at me curiously, and as I press the call button, I hold my breath. But none of us hears a thing. “He’s not in here. Where did you look for him?”


“Keep pressing this and go all around the house. You’ll find him.”

He walks off to locate his friend, and I let out a breath of air that I feel like I’ve been holding since he knocked.

“That was so close,” I tell her.

“Are you sure he’s not in here?

“I don’t think so.” I crouch down and look under my bed as Faye looks in the bathroom. I check my closet as well, and she shrugs her shoulders. Then both boys go running by my room, and I need a fucking drink.
