Page 45 of One Final Breath

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“Sorry, I won’t take any more.” Jack has his eye on him, and clearly, Thane thinks it’s funny as he takes another Cheeto and Jack jumps on him.

“I said stop,” he yells, and Thane hunches over with his son attacking him. Braxley joins in on the fun too, and Thane stands up, with Jack around his neck and Braxley gripping his waist.

The boys yell wildly, and I can’t help but laugh as I sit back and watch him run around the field holding the boys on him like a wacko. Watching Thane like this with not only his son but Braxley too, makes me realize how amazing of a man and father he really is.


“Thank you again, Jan,” I tell my mother-in-law as she pulls away from my house with Braxley in her car.

“Bye, Mommy,” he yells from the backseat.

“Bye, baby.” I wave at them as they drive off, and I’m very grateful she’s helping me out tonight. Walking back inside, I check my hair and makeup in the hallway mirror, knowing soon Thane will be here.

Then the doorbell rings and I remind myself of the promise I made to Ben. It’s what has been pushing me forward lately, and I will make sure it continues to. I turn to see Thane, my eyes locking with his right away as he stands holding a bouquet of yellow lilies. “Come in,” I tell him through the screen door, and he enters, looking mouth-wateringly sexy.

“These are for you,” he passes me the flowers and gives me a kiss on the cheek. My heart thuds as I thank him, grabbing a vase for the flowers.

“There’s beer in the fridge,” I tell him, and he takes one out, cracking it open. He hands it to me, and I happily swallow a huge gulp.

“Thanks,” I tell him, passing him back his beer.

“Of course. So your mother-in-law was cool taking Braxley?”

“Yeah, she loves her time with him.”

“What’d you tell her you were doing tonight?”

“I just said I needed a night to myself.” He nods, understanding. Thane sips his beer; his eyes are as consuming as ever, eating me alive as I take a deep breath in, reminding myself of what’s real, and that’s Thane and I, starting over.

“You ready for dinner?”

“I am,” I agree and Thane’s eyes light up from my response as he sets his half-drunk beer down. I slam the rest, getting a satisfied smirk from him when I do.

“You want one for the road too?” he asks me.

“Nah,” I grab my coat and purse as we head out together. On the drive, I ask him, “Where are we going?”

“I guess to have that crap soup you like.”

“Whatever, it’s not crap. You’re gonna love it.”

“Well, I’m just warning you that if I don’t, I’ll be stopping by a Chipotle afterward.”

“Oh come on, like a nasty oversized burrito is better.”

“Oh, it is. I’d be happy if we just went there. I could eat two.”

“No! We’re having pho, end of story! And I promise by the end of the night, you’ll be hooked.”

He glances at me, gripping the steering wheel tightly. The sun is setting as we drive and I look out the window, up to clouds, feeling Ben with me, pushing me forward.
