Page 58 of One Final Breath

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Chapter 28


“Come on, boys!” Thane hollers to Jack and Braxley who are eating like two snails at the breakfast bar. My stomach is tight, full of butterflies knowing today we not only fly to California but will cross something off Ben’s bucket list.

“Why are you rushing us, it’s not even light out?” Braxley says, and I chuckle a little, loving how strong of a little man he’s turning into.

“Because today is gonna be amazing!” Thane is looking at his iPad as he sips his coffee and I glance at the screen.

“What is that?”

“Our flight plan,” he whispers since the boys don’t know we are going yet.

I swallow away the anxiety, regretting even asking and he asks me, “Are you really that nervous?”

I nod my head, and he pulls me into a tight hug. “Oh gross,” the boys complain. That’s their new thing lately. Girls are gross—they have cooties.

“Go brush your teeth, you little dirtballs,” Thane tells them in a teasing manner.

They laugh at him, but both walk down the hallway. Thane cups my face, staring into my eyes. The closeness and his touch feel so good.

“You know I won’t let anything happen to us, right?” I nod, my hands resting against his chest and my heart pounding hard. “Then is something else bothering you?”

“No, I don’t know. I mean, it’s hard to imagine going without Ben…but I know the boys are gonna love the vacation, and I’m excited for us all to be together away from life here.”

“They are gonna love it, babe. And Ben will be right there with us, too.”

He kisses the top of my hair, and I lay my head against his chest. The feeling of contentment I get when I’m in his arms is unreal. I never thought after I lost Ben that I’d get a second chance at happiness, but with Thane, that is exactly what he brings me every day.

“Are you really gonna take us to school this early?” Jack asks us from the bathroom.

“Absolutely!” Thane yells.

And I hate to lie to them, but I also know the surprise will all be worth it. Thane asks me, “Do you have everything packed?”

“I think so.”

“Good, now from this moment on, you will let go of all your worries and stress.”

“Does it have to be both?” I tease him, and he squeezes both my ass cheeks. This vacation is just what I need. What we all need. “I’m going to do my best to stay in the moment and not let anything stress me.”

“Good,” he says and kisses me.

After getting the boys dressed, the car loaded, and finally out of the house; we’re on our way. The sun is just starting to rise, and I know Thane wanted to take off during the sunrise, but…with two kids, being on time is almost always unlikely.

“Why are you taking the long way to school?” Jack asks.

“Why do you ask so many questions?” Thane responds to him, and I hear him and Braxley chuckle. Thane has his hand on my thigh, and I hold on to it.

“You good?” He asks me as he pulls into the parking lot for our local post office.


“Good. I’ve gotta run in here and check my mail, but I’ll be right back out.”

He goes inside, and I turn to the boys, both are playing on their iPads, not paying attention to me.

It’s not but a minute later, and Thane walks out, carrying a single box. He puts it into the back of his SUV, and as he gets inside, I ask him, “What is that?”

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