Page 59 of One Final Breath

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“It’s a surprise.”

The word “surprise” perks the boys’ ears right up. “Ooh, is it candy?”

“No way!”

“Can you give us a hint?”

“I could, but…I’d rather not.”

The boys and I keep trying to guess what’s in the box for the rest of the drive. Then as we pull up to airport, my mind switches from the bag—to flying.

“Why are we here?” Jack asks.

Thane puts the car in park, and we all unload from it. Standing in the parking lot, he points across it to a sleek white jet and says to them, “See that plane?”

They nod excitedly, “What would you say if I offered to fly us all to Disneyland for the weekend?”

Their eyes get wide, and both jump up and down enthusiastically, screeching like maniacs.

“Are you serious?”

“Cross my heart!” Thane tells them, and I don’t think I’ve ever seen Braxley happier than he is in this moment.

Thane and I unload the car and the boys race across the lot to the plane. “Can we go inside?” Jack hollers to us.

“Sure can.” They disappear, and Thane asks me, “Are you ready?”

“As ready as I’ll ever be.”

We enter the plane, and the boys are running around thrilled as they explore the plane. Thane follows behind me and locks the door, causing my adrenaline to spike that much more, now being locked in here. Then he loads our bags into the overhead bins, and I focus on staying calm.

“Are you ready to see what’s in here?” he asks us all with the mystery package in hand.

But before he can say anything else, the boys yank it from him and tear it to shreds as they open it. They pull out what appears to be t-shirts. They each got their own, and as they look at their names written across it in the unique Disney style font, both remove their shirts and put the new ones on. Thane hands me mine which I hold up, tears clouding my eyes as I read “Mom” written across it. “What’s yours say?” I ask him and when he shows me “Dad,” I smile. I’m okay with things; in fact, I wouldn’t have it any other way.

“Thank you, Thane,” Braxley tells him and gives him a big hug.

“Where’s my thanks?” he asks Jack who crashes into him as he’s kneeling down, still holding on to Braxley. With the boys in his arms, he says to them, “Now, flying this plane is a big task. Do you think you guys can behave and stay in your seats?”

“You’re flying the plane?” Braxley asks him.

“I am, and your mom’s gonna sit up front and help me.”

“Wow, that’s so cool.”

“I want this seat,” Jack hollers and runs claiming the one he wants. Braxley gives Thane another hug and whispers something into his ear before he plops next to Jack.

“Are you ready, beautiful?” Thane asks me.

I nod, swallowing, not sure if I am ready, but knowing I don’t really have a choice.

He leads me up front to the cockpit, and the sheer volume of controls ignites my anxiety.

“Take your seat.”

I listen, and he helps me strap up, then sits down next to me.

“Put your headset on.”
