Page 20 of The Lost Letters

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“There’s only six of us,” A.J. said. “Two armed tangos in our line of sight on the deck. God knows how many below deck.”

“Most should be sleeping,” I reminded him, looking out the window toward the “war-like” salvage ship in the distance. Our exterior lights were off, and we were floating dark for now—just a lantern at our feet so we could see each other without being seen by our targets.

“We still have no damn clue who is inside that ship, or how many people,” A.J. countered, clearly deciding to take the lead on this impromptu mission. And although I had more years in the military than him, as a SEAL, he had more experience with these types of strikes. So, I’d let him lead. Well, as long as we were in agreement to infil the ship and kill everyone on board.

I peered back at my best friend, my trigger finger fucking itchy. Head not quite on straight, I supposed. But then a thought hit me. “I’ll go on board alone first.”

“What?” Marcus piped up, wrapping a hand over my shoulder, urging me to look at him, but I kept my eyes steady on the team leader. On A.J.

“I go on board and silently take out the two tangos on deck without popping off any shots. I can kill them with my hands,” I promised. “Then I pull the move we did as kids at Old Man Shaw’s place.”

“That haunted cabin you told me about?” Marcus asked A.J. with a chuckle. “You two believing in ghosts . . . still cracks me up to this day.”

“Ghosts,” A.J. said under his breath, clearly connecting the dots with my proposed plan.

I tossed a quick look toward Marcus and a few of my veteran friends I’d recruited for this mission. “I’m going to take out the tangos, then move around like a fucking ghost. I promise, they’ll never know I’m there. I’ll radio back what we’re dealing with, so everyone knows what we’re up against before anyone else boards. Just like we used to do.”

“This plan may have worked with your walkie-talkies as kids playing war games,” Marcus said, his tone a touch more serious now, “but we’re talking about a vessel with armed men who are willing to hurt an innocent woman, and—”

“No, Jesse’s right,” A.J. cut him off. “This is the best plan. I’ll sit on the long gun on deck here. Have eyes on him. If I have to cut someone down and make our presence known, so be it. But we should give Jesse a chance for silent kills first.”

“Two of y’all can swim over with me. Wait in the water just in case I need an immediate assist before I can signal back,” I decided.

“You mean, if you get caught?” I faced Marcus as he’d asked the question I was trying hard to ignore. “What if they shoot you instead? We can’t have you dying, man. Not on my fucking watch. Not for revenge.”

“No one is going to die.” I refused to accept any other outcome than putting these wannabe pirate assholes six feet under. Well, in this case, at the bottom of the sea.

“He’s got this,” A.J. said, eyes on Marcus before looking around at our quickly assembled crew.

Thank God A.J. had been stateside and not operating when I’d reached out for help six days ago.

I would’ve come anyway, but him having my six increased odds for mission success.

“Okay, okay,” Marcus said with a nod. He offered me his fist to bump it. “Just promise you won’t die.” He cocked his head, waiting for me. “Rory would kill me if I let something happen to you.” A slow smile spread across his lips before he added, “Pretty sure Ella would hate it, too.”

* * *


“Those men will never be a problem for you again,” I told my sister as she hugged me inside her childhood bedroom.

Being in our parents’ home was the last place I cared to be. I never wanted to share a roof with my old man ever again. Not even for an hour. But for Rory? For Rory I’d do it. For one night. Just the one. I could barely breathe being there, though.

“You’re safe,” I went on, reassuring her without giving her any additional information. She didn’t need to know all the messy details of how the operation went down. Like how I used my fighting skills to disarm the two men on deck. Choke the life from them. How I’d watched them take their last breath, and I didn’t mourn the loss of their lives. Not for a second.

No, she’d worry about me if I told her that.

Maybe I was a little worried about me, too?

I squeezed the lump down my throat at the memories.

“We rescued three women, though. You saved their lives. By coming to me, telling me what happened.” I would share that part. Because that part was good. Not dark or ugly. My sister needed to know she saved those women who’d been kidnapped from their yacht.

We hadn’t expected the op would turn into a rescue mission, but thank God we’d made it in time before those assholes had set their hands on them.

“Really?” Rory whispered, pulling away from me.

I lightly pinched her cheek, forcing myself to put on a front, to smile. “Focus on that, okay?”
