Page 152 of Kiss Me Tenderly

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My heart skips a beat at the sound of Sebastian’s low voice. Slowly, I turn around, and I swear I can feel his gaze boring into me. “Hey, what are you doing here?”

“We have this class together.”

“I know that, but what are you doing herehere?”

Not once did he ever come to me before class. I knew he was sitting somewhere in the back, away from anybody who could potentially notice or recognize him.

“I brought you coffee.”

I blink, completely thrown off by his comment. “Coffee?”

He brought me coffee?

“Yes, coffee.”

Something rattles, and before my mind can comprehend it, Sebastian is slipping into the seat next to me. “Here.” He takes my hand, wrapping my fingers around the coffee cup. “Be careful. It’s hot.”

I bring the cup to my face, smelling the vanilla and coffee grains coming from the cup. “You brought me coffee.”

“You left early, so I figured you might have needed it. It’s not a big deal.”

“I…” He’s being so sweet; I don’t have the heart to tell him that I was in Cup It Up before coming here. Although, seriously, there is no such thing as too much black gold. “Thank you.”

“It’s not a problem.”

“Settle down, everybody,” our professor says, clapping his hands. “Class is about to start.”

Well, shit.I lean closer and whisper, so he can hear me, “I’m sorry you’re stuck here.”

A hand slips around me, Sebastian’s fingers tracing the line of my shoulder where the sweater slipped down. “I’m not stuck. This was exactly where I wanted to be.”

* * *


A small smile appears on her lips at my words, and I can’t help but stare at her.

She’s simply taking my breath away.

I watch the emotions play on her face. That’s one thing I love the best about Penelope. There is no bullshitting with her. There are no secrets, no schemes, just her. What you see is what you get. If you piss her off, you’ll hear about it. If you make her happy, you’ll know it, too. And as I was starting to realize, there wasn’t much that I needed to do in order to get one of those smiles I was becoming so addicted to.

Before Penelope gets a chance to say anything else, our professor starts the lecture, so she quickly pulls out her laptop, shifting her focus to work. I watch her for a moment longer before I lift my gaze and find lover boy staring at me. A frown between his brows grows deeper as he looks at his phone and then back at me.

What the fuck’s his problem?

I turn my attention back to class, only to find a few more people giving us weird looks.

What the hell’s with that?

I shift in my seat, pulling the brim of my ball cap lower over my face as I try to concentrate on class, but it’s hard when Penelope’s sitting next to me. She, on the other hand, doesn’t seem to have any problems keeping her focus. Her fingers fly over the keyboard as she types, completely immersed in what the professor is saying.

The class seems to drag on for hours, and I try my best to keep up with what’s going on when all I want to do is to intertwine my fingers through hers and get the hell out of here, so I can be the one to teach her some much more interesting things.

Penelope elbows me in the gut and hisses softly, so only I can hear her, “Stop it.”

“What? I’m not doing anything,” I protest.

“You’re staring at me.”
