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“Time for bed,” Avery said to Josie on Christmas Eve.

“Can’t we watch one more movie?” Josie asked. She had her hands in front of her face in prayer and a little pout on her lips.

She heard Carter laugh next to her on the couch. “Sorry,” she said. “Santa needs to come and put your gifts under the tree. He’ll know if you’re awake and might bypass the house. You don’t want him to get off schedule do you?”

Josie frowned. “No. I’m not tired yet though.”

She knew it was the excitement of the holiday. Not just Santa coming but Carter spending the night for the first time and the three of them—plus the dogs—going to Carter’s parents’ for dinner tomorrow.

She’d been on the fence about having Carter spend the night yet. She wasn’t sure how to even bring this up with Josie.

She hadn’t needed to worry when Josie asked yesterday. Said that Seth and Ava shared a bed and aren’t married couples like dating couples and how come Carter couldn’t stay here?

She tried to explain it the best she could, but in the end, she decided to see what Carter thought about it and he’d been on board. She’d been thrilled since it was her first Christmas on the island, and in her mind, it couldn’t be any more perfect than to wake up beside him bright and early.

They’d be up before Josie anyway. Though she knew Josie would be up at the crack of dawn to see the loot under the tree.

“You can watch TV in bed for thirty minutes,” she said. On the weekends Josie stayed up until nine, so she was hoping nine thirty would have the little girl sleeping.

Besides, she had to get all the gifts under the tree too.

Last year she’d put them out before Christmas and only Santa’s gifts came the night before.

With Betty, that hadn’t seemed wise and Josie was okay with that, saying it’s more fun to wake up and see it all at once.

Guess Colleen did that, but Josie never said a word. She’d felt bad last year, as the first holidays were the hardest, and she so wanted to make it easier on Josie.

“Okay,” Josie said. “You’ll be here in the morning, right, Carter? Dopey and Doc too?”

She should have figured that was a bigger concern to Josie.

“I’ll be here,” he said. “The dogs go where I am.”

“Then let’s get the milk and cookies out for Santa,” Josie said.

Once that was set up, Josie ran up the stairs to get ready for bed. Avery would go up in a few minutes and tuck Josie in, kiss her and set her TV up.

Ten minutes later she returned to the living room to see Carter on the couch flipping through the channels. He didn’t even seem to notice her behind him. She looked at the dark hair on his head. His hair needed to be trimmed for sure, but it looked adorably messy on him.

He had a red and black flannel shirt on over a black T-shirt with jeans. His boots were at the door.

He was simple and basic and all hers. He fit in, even to the point that when he showed up, Josie had paint all over her hands and she compared herself working on her murals to Carter working in his garage. Getting messy and saying it was fun to not care.

She couldn’t for the life of her imagine she could be as in love with anyone else as she was with Carter.

All those years of men in suits working in offices. Yeah, it was who she dated because she seemed exposed or in contact with them more in her life and social circle.

Here, just by chance—or maybe fate—this man got her to the island and gave her a welcome like no one could ever.

Her hands came down on his shoulders and gave him a little squeeze. He jumped.

“Sorry,” she said, grinning, then walking around the couch and flopping down next to him. She slid under his arm and he pulled her close.

The warmth of his body next to hers reminded her that as hard as it was to accept help or rely on another man, she was finding it was easier with someone she loved and who cared about her.

“Is she settled in?” he asked.

“She is. I’m hoping she’ll be sleeping once the TV shuts off. Then I can bring out her gifts and put them under the tree. We can go snuggle in too.”
