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“Just a lot on my mind,” he said.

“Can’t be business,” Alex said. “Looks to me like things are going great. At least from what Grayson was saying about the rentals on Thanksgiving too.”

“Not work,” he said.

“Hope it’s not Avery. All I’ve heard is how much of a sweetheart she is.”

“Who is saying that?” he asked. He wasn’t stopping his work and wished Alex got the hint and went back to his job too.

“My mother. She talks to your mother all the time.”

“Figures,” he said.

Alex sighed after that and went back to work.

But two hours later, Carter was cursing and swearing again and that wasn’t like him. He knew it too. Even his mother asked what bug crawled up his ass.

“You going to tell me what is going on or make me beg?” Alex asked.

He figured he might as well or Alex was going to drive him insane asking.

“On Sunday Avery got a phone call when I was at her house.” He told Alex everything that he’d heard and what he knew.

“Have Griffin look into it,” Alex said simply.

“I can’t call Griffin up to do that,” he argued. “I barely know the guy let alone talk to him.”

Alex started to laugh. “Please. Everyone knows Griffin.”

“We know who he is,” Carter said.

“Yeah,” Alex said sarcastically. “He’s going to be my brother-in-law. He’ll do it, trust me.”

Carter wasn’t sure why that slipped his mind. Maybe because he was having a hard time focusing on anything without facts.

“I guess.”

“No guessing. But if you don’t want to ask Griffin, then how about Mac or Jarrett? Both of them might be able to help you.”

Mac was the chief of police and Jarrett an investigator with the State Police.

“Their reach is limited and Avery said this guy doesn’t live in Massachusetts.”

Not to mention then more people in the family would know. He didn’t think Mac or Jarrett would say much, but knowing they’d be limited anyway, why risk it?

“Let me talk to Griffin for you,” Alex said. “I’m sure he’ll reach out after the holidays if it’s not a rush.”

There was no use arguing. If he did then he’d be a hypocrite after telling Avery she had to learn to accept help.

“Thanks,” he said. Now he had to hope for two things.

One, that he could find out something useful, but he had faith if there was something there, Griffin would find it.

Two, that Avery didn’t get pissed at him for overstepping.


Wake Up Beside Him
