Page 51 of How to: Hide a Baby

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“I’d be honored.” He cradled his granddaughter in the crook of his arm and Toni stared up at him with wide, curious eyes. Dom offered her the nipple and without hesitation she took it, wrapping her tiny fingers around Dom’s and sucking contentedly. He glanced at Grace with a bittersweet smile. “She is the image of my own Anna. Thank you for naming her after her grandmother. It touches me deeply.”

“She’s a good baby,” Grace said gently, unwilling to take credit for something that had nothing to do with her.

“A beautiful baby. You have done a wonderful job, my dear.” Then he fixed her with a stern gaze. “And now, you will tell me your story, please. You say the disguise did not work? Not even for a single day?”

“Not really.” She poured a second cup of coffee and took a sip. “Luc’s not an easy man to fool.”

Dom clicked his tongue. “But a girl with such an impeccable background. Could you not resist him?”

“He’s hard to resist,” she confessed.

“Even so, surely for a few months?” He seemed to be searching for a reasonable explanation. “I thought starting your own business was important to you. I thought, if nothing else, such an agreement would keep you from my son’s arms.” He shook his head and released a deep, heartfelt sigh. “You must love Luciano very much, to give up your dream.”

To her dismay, tears welled in her eyes. “Starting Baby Dream Toys meant more to me than anything. I wanted to keep our agreement. I really did. Please believe that I tried. I wore the disguise and pretended to be engaged. But, Luc, he... Then I...” Her throat closed over and she bowed her head, helpless to continue.

“I am sorry, my dear. I did not mean to upset you.” He stroked Toni’s head with a gentle hand. “I must tell you I am very disappointed in you both. It is my deepest hope that you and Luc have taken proper responsibility for your unthinking actions. As much as this grandchild means to me, as much as my son means to me, I would throw you out of the family if I thought you had not.” He paused, waiting for her response.

Grace swallowed, realizing she was treading on very shaky ground. “You’d throw us out of the family if we hadn’t what?” she asked hesitantly.

“Married, of course! You are wed, yes?”

A footstep sounded behind her. And then, “Of course, we’re married,Papà,”Luc announced from the doorway.

Grace spun around, her eyes widening in horror. Without any question, he’d overheard every word of their conversation. And he was furious. His eyes glittered with harsh gold lights and he stalked into the kitchen, reminding her of an angry panther she’d once seen pacing his cage at the zoo, roaring his frustration to the heavens. She tensed, waiting for Luc’s roar.

“What are you doing here,Papà?”To her surprise, he spoke in a deceptively mild voice. But one glimpse of his set features warned, though he wouldn’t lose his temper in front of his father, he wouldn’t be so restrained once they were alone. “I thought we agreed to meet at the office.”

“So we did,” Dom agreed, not seeming to notice anything amiss. He set the bottle on the table and lifted Toni to his shoulder, patting her back. “It occurred to me we might drive into work together.” He fixed his calm, dark gaze on Luc. “You forgot to tell me something yesterday, yes?”

Luc shrugged, pouring himself a cup of coffee. “As I recall, I did mention I had a blonde and brunette hiding in my bedroom.”

“I thought you made a joke.” Dom spoke severely. “You know this. Why did you not tell me the truth? You marry, have a child, and do not bother to tell your own father?” He added something in Italian, hurt clear in his lilting voice.

Luc hesitated, then asked, “If I had told you, what would you have done?”

“I would have come home,” came the prompt response.

“There’s your answer. The doctors wanted you to retire. You know you wouldn’t have, if you’d returned early from Italy.”

“Bah! Doctors. What do they know? I am strong as a horse.”

“A sixty-five-year-old horse with a heart condition.”

Dom stirred uncomfortably. “I wish to talk about Grace and this situation we now find ourselves in, not about my health. You uncovered the truth about her, I am right?”

Luc leaned back against the counter and sipped his coffee. For a split second his gaze locked with hers. She froze, held in place by the icy fury she read there. “Uncovered the truth about her disguise and the fake engagement? Yes. I uncovered that much.” But not about his father’s bribe. Grace caught the omission. And not about his starting her up in business.

Luc’s expression warned he wouldn’t easily forgive that exclusion.

Betraying his nervousness, Dom ran a hand along his jaw. “You, ah, you are not upset with me?”

“Should I be?”

Dom stiffened. “Is this why you did not tell me about Antonia? You were angered that we deceived you?”

Luc’s expression softened. “No,Papà. I wouldn’t do that. I’ve explained why I didn’t notify you. You needed to get away from Salvatore Enterprises. This past year has allowed you time to recuperate, and given me time to take control of the business.”

“Then, it was good I hired Grace. She has helped you focus on your work.”
