Page 68 of How to: Hide a Baby

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“I seen that story. You have to be a swan until the prince says he loves you. Right?”

“I’m not sure,” she confessed. “I just liked the costume.”

How interesting that she’d made this particular character choice when she’d learned long ago not to indulge in the fantasy that went along with it. She’d trained since childhood to take care of herself and she’d put that training into practice for years now. No doubt, she’d continue to do so until the end of her days. Besides, she didn’t really need love. She was a strong, capable woman who didn’t require a man to make her life complete.

So what was she doing here? The cynical question flitted through the far recesses of her mind and her mouth curved in a self-mocking smile, acknowledging its validity. She knew what she’d been telling herself. She was searching for companionship. Someone to talk to, to share her day, and hold her close during the endless nights. Someone she could lo— Her hands closed into fists.

Someone she could relate to on an intellectual level, she quickly corrected. Nothing more.

She caught a sudden movement out of the corner of her eyes. Glancing up she noticed a man standing in the shadows beyond the reception line. He was even more attractive than her host. Perhaps not quite as tall, but he had a lean, athletic build that appealed. She doubted the muscular strength evident beneath his black shirt came from the excessive weight lifting that sculpted Dix DuBerry’s body. Instead, it spoke of swift action and whipcord strength. A smile touched her mouth.

This man wouldn’t lumber gracelessly down a hallway.

He responded to her appraisal with a nod and, realizing she’d been staring, she looked swiftly away. What in the world had gotten into her? Okay, so his shoulders were deliciously broad, his eyes as appealing as a forbidden dollop of hot fudge, and his smile more enticing than any she’d ever seen.

He obviously wasn’t here to find a wife or he’d have worn a costume. That meant he was off-limits. Unable to resist, she glanced at him again. If she’d been a different type of woman, she’d have shielded the look with her lashes. Since she always confronted the various aspects of her life head-on, she refused to change because of this man.

He continued to stare, his scrutiny so unmistakable, her earlier nervousness returned in a rush. Did he recognize her? Had he read the article about her business acumen? Slipping her mask back in place, she switched her attention to the little boy.

“It’s been nice talking to you,” Hanna said.

“Did you come here to get married?”

“Maybe. I’d need to meet someone very special first.” Someone as special as the man standing behind the young boy.

“You gotta give your ticket to my Aunt Shayne.” He pointed to an attractive blonde at the end of the line. “They won’t let you in if you don’t give her a ticket.”

“Thank you. I’ll do that.”

He stuck out his hand. “Wanna shake? I got taught how.”

“I sure do.” She took his hand in hers, impressed by his firm grasp. “Nice meeting you, Donato.”

The line had moved forward and Hanna straightened, turning to greet her hostess. “Hello.” She offered her hand for a second time. “Hanna Tyler.”

“Welcome. I’m Ella Beaumont.” She glanced at the little boy crouched at her feet and smiled. “I see you’ve met my son.”

“He’s adorable.”

“Thank you.” Eyes identical to Donato’s reflected wry amusement. “We think so, but we’re a bit prejudiced.”


Ella touched her husband’s arm, drawing his attention. “Rafe, this is Hanna Tyler.”

“It’s a pleasure to meet you.” He inclined his head in a courtly manner and took her hand in his. “Good luck this evening. I hope you find someone very special.”

“Thank you. I’ll do my best.”

He indicated a slender blond woman at his side. “If you’ll give your ticket to my sister, Shayne, she’ll explain how the ball works.”

Hanna gave a final nod and turned toward Shayne. Huge, dark eyes regarded her with a friendly expression. “Welcome to the Cinderella Ball,” she said.

“Thank you. It’s a beautiful place.”

“Isn’t it? Perfect for such a romantic purpose.” She took Hanna’s ticket and dropped it into the velvet-lined basket she held. “The ground and ballroom levels are available to visitors. So feel free to explore anywhere on those two floors. The rest, I’m afraid, is off-limits. You’ll find a banquet available downstairs and the gardens are particularly pleasant this evening. They can be reached through the dining area.”

“And once I find someone?” Hanna hesitated, unable to assume the inevitability of finding a partner, despite the purpose of the evening.“IfI find someone, what then?”

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