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“Perhaps you could be a little vague about the exact wedding date,” Grace suggested. “Not lie, of course.”

His lips curved. “No, we’d never lie, would we?”

She ducked her head. “Never,” she agreed in a muffled voice. “But perhaps we should omit one or two minor details.” She peeked up to see how he took the suggestion.

He shrugged, his expression unreadable. “We’ll play it by ear. Let’s hope seeing his very first grandchild will temper my father’s reaction.”

She gnawed at her lower lip. “He wouldn’t throw Brand out of the family, would he?” She’d known parents who’d done just that over far less serious infractions. But not Dom. He was the sweetest, most benevolent man she’d ever met. Surely he wouldn’t overreact to such an extent. He had to realize it could tear his entire family apart if he were to disown Brand. And she knew for a fact family meant everything to him.

“He might,” Luc acknowledged grimly, confirming her worst fears. “He has very strong opinions about this sort of thing. And his opinion is, it doesn’t happen. Period.”

She stared at Luc in alarm. “But—”

He dropped a casual arm around Grace’s shoulders and gave her a reassuring hug. “Relax.” His touch aroused a strange, disturbing flutter deep in her stomach. “Don’t worry. I’ll take care of everything. Trust me.”

Grace nodded, believing him. If she’d learned one thing about Luc, he did precisely what he promised. If he said he’d take care of Dom, then he’d take care of Dom. As far as trusting him... She stared at Luc. His lean, chiseled features reflected a strength and power, his direct, golden gaze full of confidence and determination. Slowly, she relaxed.

She’d trust him with her life.

He released her, crossing to the large built-in cabinet on the far side of the room. “Let’s see what’s happening downstairs.” He swung open the cabinet doors, revealing a bank of flat-screen monitors inside. Switching them on, he called up a view from the security camera in the lobby and put it on the large center screen. “There’s Brand and Carina. I don’t see Edward, yet. I wonder what’s taking him so long?”

“He must have gotten delayed in the elevator.” Grace crossed to his side. “Oh, dear. Your brother and Carina are arguing again.”

“That’s not arguing. That’s full-scale war.”

She frowned, cuddling the baby. “Maybe you should go down there and mediate.”

After a momentary hesitation, he shook his head. “Brand wouldn’t thank me if I butted in. He’s made it clear over the past year that he prefers taking care of his own problems without big brother’s interference. He’ll call if he needs help.”

“You’re sure?”


“No!” She spun to stare at him. “Did you say no?”

“I said no.”

“That doesn’t exactly make me feel any better.”

He shrugged. “Considering how stubborn Brand can be, it’s the best I can offer.”

“It would seem stubbornness is a Salvatore trait.” She switched her attention back to the monitor. “I wish we could hear what’s going on. I don’t suppose you read lips.”

He gave a short laugh. “I don’t need to. It’s obvious what they’re saying. Brand’s yelling, ‘Why didn’t you tell me about Tony?’”

Grace allowed herself a brief smile, despite her concern. “And Carina is shouting back, ‘Why should I have?’”

He slanted her a quick look, a spark of humor glittering in his eyes. “Because I’m the father of your baby.”

Her smile widened. “So?”

“So, you shouldn’t have hidden my son from me.” He shifted closer. “I had a right to know about him.”

Slipping into the role, she replied, “You have no rights as far as I’m concerned. You betrayed me. You had an affair with... her.” She lowered her voice on that final word.

Luc slipped an arm around Grace’s waist and his mouth practically brushed her cheek. “That other woman means nothing to me,amorata mia.”

She shivered, fighting the urge to return his embrace, along with the sharp desire which intensified with every passing moment. If Tony weren’t nestled in her arms, providing a tiny, but powerful bulwark, she might have. How had it happened? How had this attraction managed to slip past her guard with such stunning ease? And why now, when she was so close to attaining her dream? She struggled to remember the role she played. “But the other woman...”
