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Mia grinned. “An accountant in the making?”

“Accountant. Scientist. Engineer. Definitely something in the math or science field.”

“What about toys? Does she play with dolls? Cars? Puzzles?”

“Dolls, definitely. She’s all girl when it comes to dolls. Cars, not so much. And she loves puzzles and games of all types. She gets wired when she’s tired. Is almost impossible to drag out of bed in the morning. But once she’s fed, she’s as sweet as sugar.”

“I can’t wait to meet her. I’m nervous,” she added. “But I’m also looking forward to it.”

“In that case, are you ready to push off?”

She instantly returned her cup to the saucer. “I’m packed and ready.”

Without another word, Brand stood and pulled her from the chair, using more strength than he’d intended. Her bad leg gave and she landed against his chest with a soft oomph. He caught her in a secure hold, locking her tight against his body. She wrapped her arms around his neck, and unable to help himself, he lowered his mouth to hers, taking her in a hard, urgent kiss. Astrange determination filled him, the desire to make her feel…

Safe. Protected.Loved.

No, not loved. He couldn’t go there. Desired, maybe. Possibly wanted, but definitely not loved. He refused to take such a risk again. Refused to open that door, knowing the darkness seething on the other side. Even so, her body softened against his, warming him. Her arms held him in a protective circle. And her small moan told him how much she wanted him. They were definitely teetering on the edge of a dangerous abyss.

He scorched her mouth with every kiss, craving her beyond control. Her pulse thrummed beneath his fingertips, betraying her excitement. Temptation roared through him, the need to sweep her into his arms and carry her back to bed. To hide within a needy nest of desire and give in to their most basic cravings.

How had this happened?Whyhad it happened? If he weren’t very, very careful he’d find herself in deep trouble with no way out. Ending the kiss, he stepped back, allowing an unwelcome chill to suffuse the narrow space between them. To step away from the edge of the abyss.

“Like I said, I’m ready,” she prompted after a moment’s silence.

He glanced at the small suitcase sitting near the door of the suite and lifted an eyebrow. “I noticed.”

Without a word, she turned away to walk briskly, if slightly unsteadily, to stand beside it, before turning to face him. “There you go lifting that eyebrow again. Are you trying to intimidate me?”

“I could say the same about you, my darling wife. I’ve noticed you’ve got an equally powerful eyebrow.” He cocked his head to one side. “In my case, the eyebrow is indicative of surprise. I’ve never met a woman who travelled as light as you, that’s all.”

She patted her suitcase. “It has everything I need and not much else,” she said. “The rest of my things are in storage for the foreseeable future. I’ve got all the important things with me.”

He employed his eyebrow again. “Such as?”

She shrugged, glancing away. “A picture of my parents. My mother’s locket. Amemento from a long-ago party. Clothing, toiletries. The usual stuff one needs on a daily basis.”

“Mia?” He wasn’t going to let it go, and she blew out a sigh, recognizing thatfact.

“Did you know,” she murmured, “a whole world can fit into a suitcase if you know how to pack it?”

“You seem too big for your life to fit in there.” He frowned. “No. That’s not the right way to say it. You seem too interesting to exist within the confines of one small suitcase.”

She surprised him by shooting a sharp glance in his direction. “You know, asuitcase is just a container for stuff. It doesn’t hold what we value most.”

He couldn’t prevent a hint of cynicism coloring his question. “And what’s that?”

“Our most treasured memories and the people who mean the most to us. We hold those in our hearts and in our arms.”

“Well, hell. Ican’t argue with that.” He deliberately changed the subject. “Hang on and let me alert our pilot that we’re on the way.”

Brand hit a button on his cellphone and after a moment’s conversation scowled. “He didwhat?” He visibly struggled to control his temper, managing to smooth it from his voice, if not his face. Despite that, he caught Mia’s apprehensive shiver at his expression. “It’s fine, Trip. Not your fault. I’ll make alternate arrangements at this end. No, I’ll deal with Soren the next time I see him.”

“What happened?” she asked the instant he disconnected thecall.

He paused in the process of texting. “It seems Soren absconded with my plane.”

She blinked at that. “What are we going to do?”
