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“It’s no big deal, Mia, just a mild irritant. I’ll have my assistant book us a commercial flight. We’ll have everything we need by the time we arrive at the airport,” he reassured. His tone darkened. “Let’s hope it goes smoothly for Soren’s sake.”

“And if it doesn’t?” she dared to ask. “I mean, we are talking about, Soren, right? The Mountain? Mr. Boulders-for-Shoulders?”

He grinned at the description. “With five older brothers, you learn to fight smarter, not harder. The best way to get to Soren is to mess with his sense of order and stability. Calm. I’ll hire a mariachi band to serenade the sunrise next week.” He paused a beat before adding, “From his bedroom. Then I’ll keep irritating him until he gets the message and apologizes.”

Because come hell or high water, Soren would soon learn that Brand would do anything and everything necessary to protect hiswife.


The flight toSan Francisco took slightly over an hour and a half, the ride from the airport to Sausalito nearly as long. Or so it seemed.

“I used to live in the city,” he explained as they crossed the Golden Gate Bridge. “I moved across the bay after Carina’s death to be closer to my father. Toni and her grandfather share a special bond, one she desperately needed after she lost her mother.”

Mia offered Brand a sympathetic smile and laced her fingers in his. “Thank goodness Toni is surrounded by a loving family that wants her to succeed. With all the support you’re offering, her life is full of promise and potential. Ilook forward to meeting her and your family.”

As they rode in companionable silence for the last half hour, Brand fervently hoped he’d made the right decision. After his marriage to Carina, he’d put a lock and key on his impulsiveness. Their reckless affair and subsequent volatile marriage beat into him the importance of meticulously planning and thought out choices. At least, it had until last night.

Though he’d never regret having Toni, Carina had been a hard lesson learned. Even as he looked at Mia, Brand felt something entirely different for her. He didn’t trust the new emotion, but he’d see where their relationship went, especially if it meant Toni got what she needed. And, deep down, the instincts he’d held in check for the last few years told him to take this chance.

The car dropped them off outside a gorgeous hillside home and he caught Mia staring in disbelief at the huge, sprawling three-story structure overlooking Sausalito Harbor and Richardson Bay. With Christmas rapidly approaching, the front trees and hedges were heavily decorated in glittering, glowing multicolored lights and oversized Christmas ornaments. Atrail of snowflake lights led to the front door, where a pair of oversized angels with heralding trumpets framed double doors decorated with beautiful evergreen wreaths.

“Dio mio,”she murmured under her breath.“Così bello.”

Suppressing a sudden wave of concern, he gestured toward the two-story, columned entryway. “Shall we?” he asked.

“Is Toni home?” Mia’s normally olive skin tone took on a sudden pallor and her feet remained rooted in place at the foot of the driveway.

So, she was apprehensive, too. He found it almost reassuring. How ironic that they were in solidarity over their joint anxiety. “Toni should be home,” he replied. Or did he warn? “Our nanny agreed to spend the night with her while I attended the Cinderella Ball.”

Mia adjusted the strap of the purse on her shoulder, smoothed her shirt, and tidied her hair. “Do I look all right?” she asked, turning huge, anxious eyes tohim.

“You look perfect. Remember, Toni’s five, so unless you put your clothes on backward, she’s probably not going to notice what you’re wearing.”

“Check me, quick,” she quipped. “I was so distracted this morning, my outfit could be inside out and upside down, for all I know.”

Brand grinned, her sense of humor stealing some of the tension from the moment. Everything would work out. He just needed to have faith, though these days faith came in short supply. He picked up Mia’s suitcase and inclined his head toward the door. “Come on, it’s going to be fine.”

She offered a strained smile in reply and followed him up the walkway and through the front door. Mrs. Morrison, the family nanny for Toni, as well as all of his nephews, met him at the front hallway, smiling as always. Brand introduced Mia as his wife, much to Mrs. Morrison’s delighted surprise.

After several effusive minutes of congratulations and insisting on how romantic their whirlwind courtship must have been, she gave Brand a brief update on the last twenty-four hours and excused herself to gather her things. Mia looked like a deer caught in headlights.

“You ready to meet my daughter?” he asked.

She took a deep breath and nodded. “Absolutely.”

“She’s in her room.”

He led the way upstairs and down a hallway, stopping by the master bedroom to stow the luggage. He’d have to work out the details of their sleeping arrangement later, but for now, he wanted to see his little girl. The instant he appeared in the doorway, asmall whirlwind erupted awkwardly from the floor and flung herself into his arms. He caught her slight body tight against his own and stepped into the bedroom, followed byMia.

“Hello, there, Pumpkin Puss.”

She instantly responded to the nickname, her reply dripping with scorn. “I’m not a pumpkin. And I’m not a cat.”

He chuckled, snapping his fingers. “That’s right. You’re a princess.”

She offered another swift denial. “No. I’m not a princess. I’m just a girl.”

“My girl.”
