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“If you hadn’t met Carina, Toni wouldn’t exist. And I can’t bear to think you might have missed out on having such an adorable daughter.” Mia remembered Anna’s observation, one she agreed with, and chose to share it. “She’s the very best of you both.”

“Damn it, Mia. Why didn’t you tell me any of this sooner?”

“Seriously?” She wrapped her arms around her waist and paced in front of his desk. “How would you have reacted if you’d known?”

“Not well,” he conceded.

She paused in her tracks, wishing he’d come out from behind his desk. It put too great a distance between them, made her feel like an employee rather than awife.

“Exactly. Don’t you understand?” she asked urgently. “Once I found out what had happened to Carina, Ifelt an obligation to help her daughter. Even though Carina’s family turned their back on me after you and Carina married, I can’t turn my back on Toni. She’s family.”

To her profound relief, he slowly approached, snagging her around the waist and tugging her into his arms. “You recognized me at the Cinderella Ball.”

“I did.” She tilted her head to look up at him. “I couldn’t believe you were there. As far as I knew you were still married to Carina. Iwondered if maybe you’d divorced.”

“We were definitely headed that way,” he acknowledged.

“When I found out she was dead…” Her eyes burned from suppressed tears, but she refused to allow them to fall. “We didn’t part under the best circumstances, but learning what happened to her hit hard. Carina was always full of life and passion—”

His mouth tightened. “And drama.”

“True,” she conceded.

“So the aunt and uncle who took you in were Carina’s parents?”


“But you said they turned their backs on you? They weren’t there for you after your motorcycle accident?”

Pain swept through her, though the warmth of his hold comforted her. “No. I’m not sure what my cousin told them, but after her marriage to you, they cut me off.”

“It makes sense. She was probably protecting herself. If you were still part of the family there was always the risk I’d find out the truth about the Halloween party and who I actually met there.”

“And if you had known it was me?” she dared ask, tilting her head to stare up at him. “Before you and Carina got together?”

His expression closed over, forbidding and dispassionate. “Toni wouldn’t exist.”

And neither of them would want that. “So, where do we go from here? Do you want me to leave?”

He shook his head. “No. But I have to tell you, Mia, honesty in a relationship is vital to me, especially after Carina. Ihave a hard time trusting.”

“I promise, this is the only thing I haven’t told you.” She cupped his face, needing him to look at her, to hear her. Needing even more for him to believe her. “I am not Carina. Iwon’t keep any more secrets from you, Iswear. Idon’t want your money. You don’t even have to provide me with a job or help further my education when the time comes for us to part.”

“If we part, I’ll keep my promises.”

If? He’d saidif!Notwhen.

Before she had time to consider the implications, he sealed the comment with a passionate kiss. His mouth moved on hers, hard and warm. She couldn’t get enough, wanted the moment to go on and on. Brand must have felt the same because the kiss lasted for several long minutes before he finally pulledback.

She hugged him tightly. “Oh, Brand. You’ve provided me with something I haven’t had for a long time.” Tears filled her eyes, no matter how hard she attempted to fight them back. “A family. Ahome. These weeks with you and Toni have been a respite from my previous life. From losing my cousin and aunt and uncle. And gifting me with the most amazing time with the two of you. Thank you for that.”

His smile filled her with warmth. “The Salvatores are all about family, Mia. You’re part of that now.”

One aspect seriously concerned her. “Will your family despise me when they find out I’m Carina’s cousin?”

He blew out a sigh. “It may take a little time to win them over. But once they get to know you, they’ll adore you. How could they not?”

She hesitated. “What about Soren?”
