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“He has nothing to do with our relationship.”

“He’s not going to stop.”

Brand gave her a direct look. “Yes, Mia, he will. I’ll make sure he stops.”

Something else occurred to her, acomment Soren had made before leaving. “What did Soren mean when he said this Christmas was too important to have it screwed up by another Donati?”

Darkness descended over Brand’s face. “Carina died a little over a year ago. Last Christmas… Let’s just say it didn’t happen. With Toni in such pain from her injuries and the death of her mother, it was a bad time. Areally bad time. Iwant this Christmas to be far different.”

“You want the joy back.”

He nodded. “That’s exactly what I want.”

She smiled up at him. “Then let’s make sure that happens. If I could wrap it up and tie it with a bow, Iwould.”

And maybe she’d find a way to make that happen.

The days leading up to Christmas flew by in a flurry of festive activities. Baking cookies and wrapping gifts vied with whispered secrets and high-spirited laughter. Presents appeared beneath the Christmas tree and baked goods filled the freezer.

The one troublesome concern was Mia’s appointment with her doctor. He’d listened to her symptoms, but didn’t have much to say about them. After drawing a gallon or two of blood, he sent her on her way, promising to call with the results.

And he did call, mid-morning on Christmas Eve with news that left Mia stunned and wavering in a no man’s land between alarm andjoy.

“Mia?What’s going on with you?”

She blinked. “What? What’s wrong?”

“You’ve taken the Christmas cookies out of the freezer and put them back again three different times. What’s wrong?”

“To be honest…” She trailed off, beyond tempted to answer truthfully. But considering they were due at Dom’s versus the length of time a discussion would take, this was the absolute wrong time to start an in-depth conversation. “I’m just nervous about meeting your family,” she finally temporized.

“It’ll be fine. Just be yourself and they won’t be able to help but love you, especially since you’re nothing like Carina.”

“You’re so sure?” she asked hesitantly. “We haven’t known each other very long. How can you be so certain?”

He approached and wrapped her up in his arms. “I knew it the night we met six years ago and I’ve had plenty of time to see how you are with Toni and me in the month we’ve been together. You are nothing like Carina.”

An urgency filled her. She’d promised to be honest in her dealings with him. Not to keep secrets. And right now she was keeping a huge one. “After Christmas we need to have a serious talk.”

“I agree. Avery serious talk.”

He lowered his head and kissed her. She couldn’t resist. She didn’t even attempt to resist. She put all her heart and soul into their embrace, her arms wrapped around him, her fingers sinking into his hair. It wasn’t until Toni entered the kitchen that they fell apart, breathing heavily.

“You and Mia sure kiss a lot,” the little girl observed.

“That’s what happens when you’re married,” Brand replied with a smile.

“You and mommy didn’t kiss a lot.”

Uh-oh. Mia stayed quiet, silently praying this conversation didn’t go in the direction it seemed to be heading.

“No, Iguess we didn’t,” Brand admitted.

“Does that mean you love Mia more than mommy?”

Mia flinched but Brand took the question in stride. He sank to his knees and gathered his daughter close, giving her a series of ticklish kisses that had her giggling helplessly. “There. Now I love you best.” He lifted her in his arms and gave her a hug. “What do you say we head over toNonno’s?Which cookies do you want to serve?”

“All of them!”
