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Mia took a deep breath and met Soren’s angry gaze with a calm she didn’t come close to experiencing. “That’s not possible since Carina and I haven’t spoken for more than six years.”

“Sure. Whatever you say.” Frustration poured off him, along with an anger that seemed directed at himself more than her. He switched his attention to Brand. “Better be careful or she’ll get pregnant just like Carina. Anything to keep a Salvatore on the hook, bro.”

Mia gasped and went dead-white.

Instantly, Brand turned on Soren. “You son of a bitch,” he bit out. “You couldn’t even put aside your snideness for Christmas Eve.”

Flying across the room at his brother, Brand nailed Soren with a fist to his left cheekbone.

“Brand, no!” Mia cried. “Stop.”

“I told you he wouldn’t go after you again and I meant it.”

“Brand, you can’t hit him,” she said in a heartbroken whisper. “Not when he’s right.”


Spinning awayfrom the stunned faces around the Salvatore table, Mia ran, unable to face their anger and revulsion.

She should have told Brand. She should have told him the moment she found out. She certainly shouldn’t have waited and allowed him to find out in such a terribleway.

But she’d been so confused, so shocked to discover she was pregnant, that according to the doctor, Corey had lied to her. What a fool she’d been. Foolish for not double-checking. Even more foolish that she and Brand hadn’t used protection.

Out the door of the Salvatore mansion, Mia sprinted down the road, no destination in mind, just … away. Where should she go? What should she do? How had Brand reacted to the news? Of even more concern, how wouldToni?

She stopped running, midstride, her knee and hip screaming at her. She bent at the waist, hands on her knees, breathing hard. Time to face facts. Running away wouldn’t accomplish anything. She’d run when Carina explained that Brand didn’t want her. And again when her aunt and uncle ended all communication with her. Time to deal with the situation, honestly and with humility.

A horn honked behind her and a moment later, Soren pulled up beside her. “Please get in, Mia,” he requested.

She shook her head. “I don’t think so.”

“Look, I’ve been a real ass and I apologize. But it’s freezing out here, Mia. You don’t have a coat and I don’t want you to get sick. At the very least, it’s not good for the baby. Please get in?”

Mia bowed her head. Man, shesodidn’t want to, especially considering it was Soren. But mentioning the baby and the risk of getting sick forced her into the Jeep. Catching her shiver, he cranked up the heat. Without a word, he continued down the hillside and parked near the water. Christmas lights gleamed all around them, the festive air at odds with the emotions filling thecar.

“Give me a sec to text Brand and let him know you’re safe. He went to his place to see if you were there.”

“I … I wasn’t thinking. Just escaping.”

Hitting send on his text, Soren swiveled to face her. “I need to apologize for my behavior earlier.” His regretful tone underscoring his sincerity. “I’m interfering where I shouldn’t.”

Surprised, she glanced his way. “We can both agree on that.”

“I had no idea you were actually pregnant or I’d never have said what I did. It was rude and snarky and hurtful.” He blew out a sigh. “Rude and snarky and hurtful even if you hadn’t been pregnant.”

She shifted in her seat to face her brother-in-law. Ahuge bruise blossomed across his cheekbone and left eye and she gasped. “That’s got to hurt. It definitely needs ice.”

He waved the suggestion aside. “I’ll deal with it when I get home.” He lifted a sooty eyebrow, then winced. “I’d like to start over with you. Are you willing to forgive me for my stupidity?”

Oh, hell no.“I’m not ready to answer that question,” she temporized.

“What are you willing to discuss?”

Mia hesitated. If she had any hope of getting along with Soren, then she should respond with brutal honesty. She suspected he’d appreciate that more than anythingelse.

“Ascoltare,Ionly found out about my pregnancy this morning. I’d been told I couldn’t have a child after my motorcycle accident. So, you can imagine my shock to find out that wasn’t true. Ishould have told Brand right away. Iwish with all my heart that I had.”

“And I wish I’d kept my big, fat mouth shut.”
