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“Why didn’t you?”

She asked the question without attitude and he acknowledged it with a regretful wince. “It seems only fair to explain, all things considered.”

He’d captured Mia’s attention.Spiegare che cosa?“Explain what?”

Soren took a deep breath. “You and Brand aren’t the only ones who married at the Cinderella Ball.”

Her mouth dropped open.“What?”

“You heard me.”

“Where’s your wife?” She looked around as though expecting someone to pop up at any moment. “Why wasn’t she at Dom’s tonight?”

He hesitated. “Would you mind if I didn’t go into that? Even though you deserve to know, Ijust can’t deal with it right now. But perhaps you’ll understand why I behaved less than graciously. It’s not an excuse, just an explanation.”

“L'ha fatta incazzare,didn’t you?” Mia commented with a wry smile.

“Pissed her off? Yeah, you could say that.”

“You seem to have that effect on people. It’s a shame because you’re really cute.”

“Thanks, Ithink.”

Mia sighed. “So what now?”

“Are you willing to start over?”

This time she didn’t hesitate.“Sì.”

“Then I suggest taking you home. You and Brand are overdue for a serious conversation. Just be honest with him. That’s the most important thing to him.”

“He may have mentioned that once or twice.”

Soren held out a giant hand. “Friends?”

She accepted the peace offering. “Friends.”

He put the car in gear and pointed it in the direction of Brand’s house. She could only pray her conversation with her husband went aswell.

Now, more than ever, she needed the help of the Salvatore guidingstar.

Brand hopedlike hell he’d find Mia at the house when he and Toni returned. To his concern, the place gave off a painfully empty vibe. The entire time he’d also dealt with Mia’s last words to him.“Brand, you can’t hit him, not when he’s right.”

Mia was pregnant.

Mia was pregnant!

How was that even possible?

Unless she’d lied….

That raised a miserable possibility. Was she like Carina, after all? And hadn’t he seen evidence of it? She hadn’t told him about her relationship to his late wife until confronted by Soren.

She’d claimed to be Juliet at the Halloween masquerade party. But she could have acquired the mask from that party at some point immediately afterward without Carina knowing.

And kept the mask? Why would she have donethat?

What about her alleging the motorcycle accident prevented her from ever becoming pregnant? If she really was carrying his child, then she’d definitely lied aboutthat.
